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Attachment E <br />, <br />- ��� E <br />c.�'..�v: �,:i'�':'� �:�r!.:�rw'��s:;.,i�'l.,r.,.s�.:.. ✓�r._::..:., r� -.r.r_:.v-._.._. <br />Augusi 2i, 2009 <br />Jarnie Radel, Economic Development Associate <br />City of Raseville <br />2660 Civic C.en.ter Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />RE: City of Rose�ille 2030 Comprehensive Plar� Update <br />Metropolitan Counci� Review File No: 20516-1 <br />Metropolitan Council �istrict 10, Kris S�nda <br />Dear Ms. Radel: <br />!�t its r�eeting o� August 25, Z009 the Metropolitan Council completed its formal review of <br />the City's Z030 Comprehensive P{an Update. The Council based its review on �he staff's <br />report anc� analysis (attached). <br />The Counci! found that the City's Update me.ets all Metrapalitan Land Planning Act <br />requirerr�ents, canforms to the regional sys�Em plans transportation, including aviation, <br />water resources management, and parks, is consistent with the 2030 Regronal Development <br />Framework, and is c�mpatible with the plans of ad�acent jurisdictions. <br />The Coun�il adopted the following recommendations: <br />Recommendatior�s of the Community Development Committee: <br />1. Authoi'ize the City of Roseville ta put its 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update into <br />effect; <br />2. Advise the City to: <br />Participate in Council activities �o monito� redevelopment and infill in <br />Developed communities. <br />b. Implement the advisory cornments noted in �he Review Record. <br />c. Update the comprehensive surface water m�nagement plan (CSWMP) within <br />two years of the cEate �hat the Rice Cree4� and Capitol Reaion Watershed <br />Districts update the watershed management plans, and the plans a�e <br />approved by the Board of Water and Soil Resources. Th� CSWMP shauld be <br />submitted to th� Council for review conc€�rrent with its submitCal to the <br />watersheds, <br />Recommendations of the En�ironment C�mmittee: <br />Apprave the City of Roseville's Tier II CompreE�ensi�e Sewer Plan. <br />The Counci! requests the folfowing: <br />7.. A copy of tf�e resolution of adoption by the governing body indicatir�g that the <br />Plan as reviewed by the Council is adopted. <br />2. Two capies af the City's final Update once it is revised to include all the information <br />that was submitted. <br />wtivw.metrocouncil. org <br />390 Robert Street North • St. Yaul, MN 55101-i805 •(651) 602-IOpO • Fax i651} 602-1550 •'ITY (651 ] 291-0904 <br />An Equa[ Opporfufiity Ernpioyer <br />