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Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2009 Agendas and packets
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Last modified
3/17/2010 8:43:39 AM
Creation date
11/3/2009 11:06:25 AM
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Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Roseville Human Rights Commission <br />Meeting Minutes -October 13, 2009 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />1 recognized the need of the HRC to seek financial contributions to further its work; and <br />2 offered his support as a gay person believing in human rights, in opportunities for such <br />3 open dialogue and welcoming engagement. Mr. Ritchie expressed concern with <br />4 permitting Northwestern Collage to contribute financially to this effort, based on the <br />5 statements included in their Student Handbook, a copy of which he had obtained through <br />6 their website, and from which he read a portion related to their stance and lack of <br />7 tolerance related to homosexual behavior and their interpretation of Bible teachings. <br />8 <br />9 Mr. Ritchie advised that while recognizing that it was a religious organization protected <br />10 by the Constitution and had the option to dictate within their institution, he was disturbed <br />11 by the College specifically singling out homosexual behavior of a student without <br />12 considering other human attributes. Mr. Ritchie expressed disappointment that the HRC, <br />13 devoted to diversity that includes gays, lesbians, transgender and bi-sexual options, <br />14 would consider accepting donations from an organization that represented such <br />15 intolerance that appeared to be opposite of the HRC's interest in being welcoming and <br />16 diverse. Mr. Ritchie, as an example, questioned whether this would not be comparable to <br />17 including the KKK for sponsorship in such an event. <br />18 <br />19 Chair Singleton thanked Mr. Ritchie for his comments and for bringing this to the <br />20 attention of the HRC, and asked what action Mr. Ritchie would like from the HRC. <br />21 <br />22 Mr. Ritchie opined that while respecting the intent of the HRC, he found inclusion of this <br />23 sponsorship offensive; and at a minimum, the HRC carefully consider whom they should <br />24 accept donations from in the future, and carefully review the philosophy of sponsors. <br />25 <br />26 Discussion among Commissioners and Mr. Ritchie included various perceptions and <br />27 inclusivity of and for all representative groups. <br />28 <br />29 Member McKenzie clarified that the HRC was there for everyone and the City needed to <br />30 function without exclusion and with all groups having a voice at the table. <br />31 <br />32 Chair Singleton observed that there were multiple factors to be discussed; and opined that <br />33 resolution could not be achieved in one meeting. Chair Singleton thanked Mr. Ritchie for <br />34 making the HRC aware of this situation and advised that acceptance of future donations <br />35 and/or sponsorships would be taken under consideration. <br />36 <br />37 Member Jaeger, speaking as a person with a gay family member, expressed appreciation <br />38 to Mr. Ritchie for his concern related to language and cautioned about drawing <br />39 conclusions where no intent was indicated. Member Jaeger opined that she didn't read <br />40 the Student Handbook the same way Mr. Ritchie had, and while avoiding making a <br />41 judgment about the institution itself, and from her personal family experience, she could <br />42 not come to the same conclusions as those expressed by Mr. Ritchie. Member Jaeger <br />43 further opined that the HRC wanted to bring all people to the table and questioned how <br />44 the HRC could make a difference it they attempted to exclude people. <br />45 <br />
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