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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 12, 2009 <br />Page 14 <br />Councilmember Pust suggested that the motion be tabled until after tonight's BFO <br />discussion. <br />Councilmember Ihlan concurred, conditioned that it would be considered imme- <br />diately following this discussion. <br />Pust moved, Johnson seconded, tabling the above-referenced motion. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan; Roe; Johnson; Pust <br />Nays: None. <br />Acting Mayor Roe noted that the City Council had passed a Preliminary Budget <br />in the dollar amount of $38,213,000 on September 14, 2009; which was essen- <br />tially the 2009 budget amount in addition to adjustments for mandated and/or con- <br />tractual obligations in 2010. <br />Finance Director Miller reviewed staff's rationale in recommending a different <br />budgeting approach and their advocacy for the BFO process; recognizing that it <br />would be challenging and requiring patience on the part of the City Council, staff <br />and the public; but anticipating a favorable end product. Mr. Miller noted that the <br />City had been on an unsustainable budget path for several years, and even after <br />hours upon hours of public debate, little was accomplished to put the City back on <br />a path of sustainability. Mr. Miller, from staff's perspective, advised that if staff <br />provided a recommended budget, it would serve no productive purpose other than <br />to repeat previous processes without sustainability. Mr. Miller recognized that the <br />BFO process was new, it was change, and initially difficult and awkward; how- <br />ever, he assured the public and City Council that staff was committed to bringing <br />the City back to greatness, but it couldn't be done without the City Council's <br />leadership and direction for long-term sustainability, rather than short-term fixes <br />or deferrals. <br />Mr. Miller briefly reviewed packet information, with staff's expansion of the <br />Springsted analysis, and proposed ranking process for those mandated and those <br />discretionary or elective services and programs. Mr. Miller noted staffs inclu- <br />sion of current levels of service based on their individual experiences and compa- <br />rables with peer communities, constituting a "best guess" perspective in context <br />with performance measures/service standards, or outputs and how goals and ob- <br />jectives are being met, while not applicable to all programs and services. Mr. <br />Miller noted that staff was available to respond to any questions as the City Coun- <br />cil began prioritizing on a preliminary basis, understanding that the process itself <br />was dynamic, but transparent based on value judgments of individual Council- <br />members, and corporately as a body. Mr. Miller advised that, once the prelimi- <br />nary ranking was provided, staff would then attach 2010 budget figures accord- <br />ingly, which was slated for Council consideration in a few weeks. However, Mr. <br />