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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
11/4/2009 12:44:17 PM
Creation date
11/4/2009 12:44:13 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 12, 2009 <br />Page 15 <br />Miller noted the importance of determining ranking without cost identification in <br />this initial phase. <br />Acting Mayor Roe, referencing Attachment B, noted that, in assigning highest <br />priority to mandated items, was it fair to say, just because something was man- <br />dated, it may not require the City's highest level of resources, as long as it was <br />accomplished (i.e., minimum compliance versus the "gold standard"). <br />Mr. Miller noted that this was an excellent observation; and that when staff ana- <br />lyzed services and programs, they found that with many of those mandated items, <br />minimum compliance was being achieved. Mr. Miller further noted that some <br />functions had been broken out further, not necessarily by line, but as a specific <br />piece of various programs; and that staff could provide additional explanation to <br />assist the City Council in their ranking process. Mr. Miller advised that part of <br />this was how Roseville was distinct from other communities and why people <br />chose to live in Roseville. <br />Mr. Miller noted, from a procedural standpoint in Attachment B, if the Council so <br />elected, they could make the process as anonymous as possible for initial compi- <br />lation of rankings. <br />Acting Mayor Roe noted that all Councilmembers may not be prepared to do their <br />rankings tonight; and that it may be prudent to concentrate on discussion and <br />questions for staff, allowing for more deliberation on that prioritization following <br />receipt of that information. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that it made sense to move forward with the pro- <br />posed format to determine if additional areas are indicated or further categories <br />needed. <br />Acting Mayor Roe advised that he wanted to be accountable to voters, and found <br />no need for anonymity, but preferred a transparent process; and suggested review <br />of Attachments A and B, seeking clarification or questions of staff as became ap- <br />parent; and recommended proceeding by department rather than by individual <br />Councilmember. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned why all departments (i.e., Community Devel- <br />opment) were not included, anticipating that concentration was on property tax- <br />funded programs. Councilmember Ihlan opined that, while basically funded by <br />fee, those programs also impacted taxpayers and were essentially funded with <br />public monies. Councilmember Ihlan expressed her interest in performing the <br />BFO process globally for all departments. <br />Mr. Miller advised that it was staff's rationale to tackle those programs first, as it <br />was staff consensus that the City was not in a good position to achieve the BFO <br />
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