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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 26, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Roe noted that he failed to catch that on his first attempt at rank- <br />ing, thus his ranking and his preference to change that ranking so it fell above the <br />line, while opining that he wasn't sure if it would rank a "5." <br />Mayor Klausing noted that he had missed that as well, understanding it as a re- <br />placement of funds previously lost; and requested that his ranking be raised as <br />well. <br />Councilmember Johnson concurred, seeking to raise his initial ranking. <br />Mr. Miller reviewed the next steps, assuming these were final rankings with the <br />Council having signaled their preferences through those rankings. Mr. Miller ad- <br />vised that, even without addressing all the unfunded items, the City Council was <br />identifying clear priorities. Mr. Miller noted that a number of items in the un- <br />funded category included inflationary-type impacts that staff had identified as <br />2010 Budget impact items, but most having received relatively low rankings from <br />Councilmembers. Mr. Miller advised that this signaled to staff and the commu- <br />nity that the City Council was not interested in funding additional dollars, but in- <br />dicating to staff that they were looking for astaff-recommended budget that <br />would absorb inflationary impacts as much as possible. Mr. Miller used the <br />"Street Maintenance" area (page 4) as an example with a composite ranking <br />above the "yellow line" of " 2.4" and implications of less resources to replace <br />needed improvements, that may decrease the miles of streets addressed in a given <br />year. Mr. Miller advised that this was the clear message he was receiving, even <br />without additional dialogue that would be forthcoming, and if the City Council <br />wanted to send a different message before staff returned with a recommended <br />budget, now was the time to do so. <br />Mayor Klausing noted how the ranking process, as identified previously, caused <br />him to rank items deferred in past years' budgets as "4" due to the additional cost <br />in continuing to defer them and corresponding inflationary adjustments. Mayor <br />Klausing admitted that he didn't fully understand implications of that linking <br />City Manager Malinen also noted those items identified with increased costs (i.e., <br />asphalt and material costs for street maintenance) and how those increased mate- <br />rials impacted the amount of street miles that could be rehabilitated annually. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that the intent was to get the City back on track to <br />a level held two years ago, and addressing those two years of inflation within the <br />2010 budget. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that, on inflation items, several show up under the <br />"yellow line," but it provided an opportunity for reflection how to prioritize those <br />items and how to apply those inflationary impacts. <br />