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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 26, 2009 <br />Page 13 <br />Councilmember Johnson suggested that, as the next ranking iteration proceeded, <br />the City Council needed to view the new reality and priority level, and asked that <br />staff provide that revised document as soon as possible. Councilmember Johnson <br />asked for clarification on the funding source for the Parks and Recreation Master <br />Plan process and why it was ranked so low on the 2010 Budget. <br />Mr. Miller responded that this was due to the funding being provided in 2009, and <br />no allotment necessary for the 2010 budget. <br />Councilmember Johnson requested that Mr. Miller poll Councilmembers on the <br />state aid reallocation and determine where things stood. <br />Mayor Klausing asked that Mr. Miller provide a closer connection, further re- <br />finement, and a better understanding of other major inflationary categories and <br />which items they fit more closely with. <br />Councilmembers were of a consensus that they were always receptive to input <br />from Department Heads. <br />City Manager Malinen noted that the most current budget matrix, as refined, was <br />posted on the City's website to allow the public an opportunity to go through the <br />exercise with the City Council and staff and provide their comments to Council- <br />members, providing another source of feedback in the decision-making process. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that staff needed to receive feedback from Council- <br />members tonight to allow them to proceed with the next step in providing the first <br />draft of astaff-recommended 2010 budget for further refinement. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, as a point of information, questioned how agreement was <br />being reached in re-ranking; expressing a lack of clarity as to where the consensus <br />was at; and how the public could follow the ranking process. <br />Mayor Klausing advised that individual Councilmembers were re-ranking their <br />individual rankings related to the $450,000 lost State Aid line item, currently <br />listed in the unfunded area due to misunderstandings in the initial ranking process <br />by those individual Councilmembers, as they had so indicated. Mayor Klausing <br />advised that he had chosen to move his ranking up. <br />Councilmembers Roe and Johnson also raised and re-ranked that specific item, <br />identified as line item #9. <br />Councilmember Johnson clarified to Councilmember Ihlan that the process in- <br />volved re-ranking as additional information and clarification was provided and <br />discussed as a body. <br />