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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 23, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />Mayor Klausing opined that his opposition to the motion was in not having staff <br />do the extra work; and further opined that the motion was counterintuitive to the <br />BFO budget process. Mayor Klausing further opined that the City Council tended <br />to focus on specific dollar amounts rather than making meaningful budget sugges- <br />tions; and expressed concern that the City Council was going down that path <br />again. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan and Pust.. <br />Nays: Roe; Johnson; and Klausing. <br />Motion failed. <br />Given the results of this action, Councilmember Ihlan advised that she would be <br />subsequently filing a public information Data Practices Act request. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that the requested $450,000 in Market Value <br />Homestead Credit (MVHC) did not represent an expenditure; and that the actual <br />City Manager's recommended budget was $450,000 less than the levy. <br />Mr. Miller noted that the City would be required to levy $450,000 more than it <br />needed as the state would then automatically reduce their allotment to the City by <br />$450,000, reducing the City's net tax proceeds. <br />Councilmember Pust questioned staff's point of view, process-wise, on their ex- <br />pectations of tonight's meeting for budget decisions; and whether individual <br />Councilmembers should move to add or delete specific items, allowing staff to re- <br />turn with a new budget; or how they anticipated further budget tweaking to occur. <br />Mr. Miller suggested both avenues as the process continued to evolve and new <br />opportunities for reducing costs were suggested, while absorbing or consideration <br />of additional costs as well. Mr. Miller noted that the entire process was one of re- <br />finement and reallocation; and asked that, if the Council collectively was not <br />comfortable with the City Manager-recommended budget, they indicate those ar- <br />eas tonight, whether by motion or suggestion. <br />Mayor Klausing reviewed his approach, using the Fire Relief Association man- <br />date as an example, and new actuarial that may allow for reduced costs; and the <br />need, as another example, for Councilmembers to determine if they wanted to <br />fund outdoor skating rinks or not. <br />Discussion included where funds were currently allocated and where areas of ad- <br />justment could be found; uncertainties and risks in unfunded liabilities for the Fire <br />Relief Association based on market conditions; and potential revisions in material <br />and/or equipment bids allowing for some additional monies. <br />