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Vision: Create a high quality, new neighborhood with coordinated residential and mixed-use <br />business park redevelopments (for living and working) m an environmentally sensitive <br />design. Create a"brand" or sense of coordinated neighborhood place that expands the tax <br />base and diversifies the job base ... The basic land uses in the master plan are to be <br />office, hi-tech, residential and retail. Allow some flexibility for market fluctuations; be <br />timely, but focus on the longer term and high quality development in a continuum of <br />development issues. <br />i n• The redevelopment area consists of the 280 acres within Twin Lakes. The truck <br />terminals and truck traffic will be reduced or eliminated. Soil contaminates will be <br />cleaned up. Redevelopment, including housing, office, retail, hi-tech uses, and new <br />infrastructure and transportation opportunities in these underdeveloped truck terminal <br />areas will intensify the land use. There will be a transportation component to relieve and <br />release traffic from this area to the interstate system. There will be other traffic <br />improvements such as better turning lanes and traffic signals. <br />The Panel will be a responsive sounding board for the Master Developer and development team <br />while their plans are in process, prior to formal and legal action by the City. No chair will be <br />selected; the Panel will be guided through a facilitated discussion and their thoughts, comments, <br />suggestions and concerns will be recorded. It is not the intention that the Panel will reach <br />consensus on every issue, though the facilitator will test for consensus throughout the process <br />and where consensus is found, it will be noted and reported. John Shardlow will be the <br />facilitator for the Panel, with staff to assist as necessary. <br />� <br />