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Last Revised: December3, 2003 (ThomasPaschke & Dennis Welsch) <br />� Attorney /staff review after first reading: ,2003 (Dennis Welsch) <br />3 DELETE: <br />� ADD/NEW: Pro�osed to be added <br />fi <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />lU <br />11 <br />1� <br />1� <br />]� <br />1� <br />�� <br />]7 <br />] �3 <br />]� <br />� <br />�1 <br />�� <br />Z� <br />�� <br />ZS <br />�� <br />�7 <br />�� <br />2� <br />� <br />�y <br />�� <br />�� <br />3�4 <br />3� <br />3�i <br />�� <br />� <br />3� <br />�U <br />�l <br />�� <br />�� <br />� <br />�5 <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />PROPOSED <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, SECTION 1014, Subsection 1014,(14 <br />PERTAINING TO TI� BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTAND APPEALS <br />TI� CITY OF ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. Purpose: The Roseville City Code, Title 10, Sections 1014, <br />Subsection1014.04 is hereby amended by revising language regarding the designation and <br />operation of the City of Roseville Board of Adjustment and Appeals to allow for more <br />efficient use of the Planning Commission and City Council meetings and providing more <br />specific review of land use variances, by creating a Variance Board and designating three <br />members Planning Commission to serve as such Board. <br />SECTION 2. CHAPTER 1014.04 is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />1014.04: BOARD OF ZON2NG ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS: <br />A. Exce�t as described in the subsection below (zonin� variances, , the City Council sha11 act as the Board <br />of Adiustment and A�ea1s <br />B. Zoning Variances. The city council shall annually designate three members of the Plannin� <br />Commission to act as the Board of Zoning Variances Adjustmentsand Appe��° ��°r°�r°�*°r ^°��°� *�° <br />"Variance Board"1 bursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 462. Requests for �'a���ti� �� <br />sha11 be processed by the community development director or �t <br />designee in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1013 of this title or other relevant section of this <br />code and Minnesota Statutes 15.99. <br />1. The Communitv D"evelo�ment Director or designee shall �rovide written notice of the rec�uest, <br />as ner Section 108 of this Code to a11 adioining and abuttin�a�ve�.� owners �rior to a hearing of <br />lhe Varia�r.� Board and shall �ublish notice of �ublic hearing 111-the Of�lClal news�aner at least ten � <br />��� davs �rior to said hearin� <br />2. A si�n, available from the Communitv Develo�ment Director or desi�nee, sha11 be �laced bX <br />the annlicant on a�ortion of the ��mr visible from the primar� road frontage, stating that the <br />owner has a request before the Yuian�c.� Board, the date of the hearing, and the cit� hall �hone <br />number for further information. Such si�n sha11 be �laced at least ten (10) da,ys prior to said <br />hearm�• <br />3. Additional Information: The city staff sha11 have the authoritv to rec�uest additional information <br />from the applicant concernin� operational factors or to retain ex�ert testimony with the consent <br />and at the exuense of the a�licant concernin�onerational factors, said informationto be declared <br />necessarv to establish�erformance conditions in relation to a11 �ertinent sections of this Code. <br />5_ 'I7� Director of Community Development or designee sha11 serve a copy of the �ina1 order of <br />