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1 the Variance Board upon the petitioner and as �er Sedion 108 of this Code to a11 adjoining and <br />� abuttingproperty owners by mai1. Any person or persons, any private or public board, or taxpayer <br />� of the city aggrieved by any decision of the Variance Board ha11 <br />� have the right to seek review of the decision with a court of record in the manner provided by the <br />� laws of the state of Minnesota, particularly Minnesota Statutes chapter 462, as such statutes may <br />�i be from time to time amended, supplemented or replaced. (Ord. 1240, 5-8-2000) <br />� <br />$ 6. The Variance Board hall meet on a reQular <br />� schedule and hold public hearings to consider all evidence from city staff and interested persons, <br />{] prepare findings of fact, and make a decision ��� on the matters they deem <br />1 appropriate � '_ ' by resolution within sixty <br />� (60) days of the a��e�1-variance filing date, - � <br />7. Planning Commission Hearin� In the event a request for a variance(s) accompanies a request <br />for a land use or subdivision permit(s) and said land use or subdivision permit(s) is required by <br />ordinance to be heard by the Planning Commission, then the variance(s) sha11 be heard by the <br />Planning Commission, in lieu of the Variance Board, but followingthe same procedures as <br />required of applications heard before the Variance Board. <br />8. The Variance Board sha11 not reconsider an a�plication for a variance which has been <br />breviouslv denied within the past vear if it is substantiallv similar to the vrevious a�lication, as <br />determined by the Variance Board. The Variance Board may rec�uest additional staff review and <br />adopt such other rules of operations as it sha11 deem necessary. Any such rules must be approved <br />bv the Council. <br />C. A�ea1s. An appeal to the Citv Council. actin� as the Board of Ad�ustment and A�ea1s, from �be a� <br />administrative ruling of the Community DevelopmentDirector or his/her designee regarding any <br />interpretation of the � intent of this title or title 11 of this code, or any action approving or <br />denying an application related to any matter addressed in this title or title 11 of this code may be filed in <br />writing by any property owner or their agent with the citv mana e�r �r�i�� �c�l c�a,y*x <br />within thirty (30) days after the making of the order or decision being appealed. <br />1.An appeal stays all proceedings and the furtherance of the action being appealed unless it is � <br />certified to the board of adjustment and appeals, after the notice of appeal is �i1ed, that by reason <br />of facts stated in the certi�icate a stay would cause imminent peril to life and property. In such <br />case, the proceedings sha11 not be stayed other than by a restrainingorder that may be granted by <br />a court of record on application, and upon subsequent notice to the city. <br />�_ '�7rG written appeal sha11 state the specific grounds upon which the appeal is made, and sha11 be � <br />accompanied by a fee established by resolution of the city council. A hearing regarding the matter <br />sha11 be held before the Board of Adjustment and Appeal at its next regular <br />meeting consistent with the notice requirements and other procedures contained in chapter 108 of <br />this code. <br />� <br />�� <br />