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FROM :JESSON PUSTLR� FRX NO. :651 767 9055 Jan. 15 2004 04:06PM PS <br />• C.'o-�`•liau', Subcommittee on llomeskic Viole�ice �;tid C1uld Protection, Muwesola l�epartmeut �I <br />Humati ServicesM�Itrca�ix?��r�t ofiviil�ors C'ot�swittee [1998] <br />� Member, Parkview Ceiiter School Personnel Intervie�v Team ( I 99iiJ <br />� Mcmb�r, Miulicsota Suprcmc Court T�sk I�orcc � V'tsitati�n nnd Child Su�port � 1�195-98� <br />� Chau�, 5tate L�ufc►reatnent and Prosecution Xssue.s Subgroup, Unite�l State� nepartinenE �C Justice Task <br />r'orce on Criminal Child SupportEnforcement [1�195-97] <br />� SiteM�u��genient T�er,i, Parkview Center School [199G-97] <br />* Viee President,Boar�l ��CT)irecto,•� ofKuiderl�nus MontessoriPrescb�)��� [1994-9G] <br />*�'tcaturer, Volunteers f�v• Justicc Toniljanovich �:15�92] <br />� Member, Minnesota Wutzi�n L�wyet's J'ttdicl�l Encle�rs�inetzts 4�tni�littec �199U-9:�� <br />� Children'sllefense Fund/Minnesota Volunteer uf �1�� Year j1991 J <br />* Me�»her, I•Ie►uiepin C'uunly J uv�� nzfense Panel [1988] <br />:Please state our r�as�a� f�r. w�ntln..g.ta serve on the R����1��� Citv Council: <br />(Be asspecific as��o,s,5ihle - use i�dc�ilio�ral. sheet if'nece.s.5ury) <br />r want to aerve on the KoscvillC City Council in order t�� r+�r� � t1�e citizens of this <br />c��iluiiunity. I have �1 long �ad proud 1�i4toly c!f p«hlic servicc, and I want to utilize my titnc at�d <br />talents for tllc bmcfit of the cziminunity in which T have lived for fiftccrt years, r�ised �a�� <br />���LLiSkYt! m y children, ancl to wt�ich 1 awo much. I boliovo that government wo��k� l�etil wl�en <br />pco�Ic who arc intelligent, thoughtful, honest, op�n-mi_t�de�i �u��3 �ie�li�aleil to serving the <br />t;ommoii good �k�er their l.e�aezship experience it► clett�ocratie setviLc to their fellow citi�eny. il' <br />appointed andlor subsequently elected, I�r�i confidenttl�at ,ti�y sci�viec wi11 be a positive �n�l <br />valuable addition to the team that co� the Roseville City Council. <br />If a�puinfeci, I would Iilce to concentrate on the foll�wing itnpottacit issues facing the <br />citizens of Roseville with directinn from and together with all othe�- members of the Couneil; <br />Mana�� a rE;eluced bu�l�et. Ei�rm i7iy years as Assistant Commissionerof the state education <br />agency, I knc�w hr►w Lt� rt�at►agc public �lollar,v in fiouglt ec�nomic times, sci�utinize budgets for <br />wuste and lead efti�rts tu do mcn•e with )esx. 7 tu,k.e ser;�usl.y the public's expec:tation that cvciy <br />tax d�llar �h�s�.�l�l he ii�vest�ed wisely �s7 j�re�ciuce m�usural�E�tes«lts. Together with t17� Mny�,r and <br />Gouncilmcmb�is, I would work to maximizethe return c�n the public investments m�de by our <br />ta�cpayars and ahai�t ,ti budget �ourse that m�it�tains and improves tlYC� t�u��lity ot'Ii1�'e wa �x�����, <br />ar1 havc paid for, in Roscville. <br />Meetin� the needs 4i an a�in� population. Family budgets ��� stretchcxi t� the li�nit as citizens <br />move into ttac se�uor phesc of life. As a community wc must bc scusitivc to t�us and prioritize <br />city serviees with reference to the needs of our seniors. like. As � teatzt, the Council tnu4t deeide <br />to�ether how ncccssary services, including accessible transportation for scniozs an�i �i�ordablc <br />housing for aJl ftuniliev, can be provided in the most cost-effective Zna�nner in our community. <br />Inczeasitl� Citizen En�a�e�nenc, He�lthy cle�nucracy requires healti�y �leb�te, anci we can't huve <br />},F�};��{-l��y��� �j19C17vAioli ofpublicissues ifciti�cns d��n't show up at�d express thcir viuws. It is <br />my belief th�t eveiy member af the 2004 Roscville City ��run�i� is cun7mittec� to listening arid <br />4 <br />