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FROM :JES50N PUST�AW FAX NO. :651 767 9055 Jan. 15 2004 04:07PM P7 <br />leac•ning iroin the pec►ple of Rosevi lle ��s the Council team seeks ��� ineet corninunity nccd;+ <br />through ef��cient aird cost-ef�fective [ocnl �overnment. <br />��state your view of the role of the Citv Coui��il: <br />The City Council is a l`e��� of individuals elected to represent ��;� suPport the hest <br />interests «f tli� citizens of12�,S�ville. The Council should be I��>cused on setting policy;��i�� <br />stracc�.ic goals for the eomu�un.ity based on citizen input, and on achieving those g�F�J� tl�ro«gh <br />pl;�nning u�d resource all��c�tion, h.very cout�c�� ►nember should serve as a t�c�sifive advocate for <br />the com�nunity �n�l itv citizer�s at every available opportunity. Every cvtn�.cil meinber should <br />also be an listener witlz rc;s�7ect to citizci� cc�ucerns and an effective promoter of i�1creasocl <br />citizen input ilito the operations of their bovery�ment. <br />Rc�seville h�s a"Plan B" form �('govcrnineiit. Ay law, tlle council in a i'lan B <br />community is a policy-malting botly a��� R]�� daily ad�inistr�tion of the city is direelecl by the <br />city �nanager, The Council gl�ould not miccotnatif�ge or seek to inierfere with tlie city manager's <br />effortsto cot�ply with his/her statutory re�rx�us�ibilit.ies, Neither shouldtl�e Cvuncii abdicatei�� <br />rc��o�isibility to direct policy devclopinenl or k���id the city �avernn�e�ik accou��t�blc t�� the <br />honest, aecura.te and cost-effectivepro�isic,n of services ta citizens. Much �,y t� l���nl ef <br />Dii�ec.-tors �e�4 strategic goals �nd hc�lds a CEO �nd st��f`acu�u�table F1Fr pursuingthose goals ��i <br />behalf �f inter�9tetl shareholders, so ��ti elceteci city council should dcfine corninunity goal� and <br />work collahoratively ��] in support of ti�,� oit.,y m��,a�,�r and st9;i�� to achieve thosc goals on <br />beh�lf of ��4 citize�l5 of Ri��eville. <br />n''''°r �'^m-��etnts: (Include �r���� f�rdf��r inf�rrnation yvts w�ulcl +rk� the C;i.ry <br />Council to c���sider o� that yotrfeel is relevuret lo the aJ��uintmc�r�t you tire seelcirz�T. <br />�`!��.� muy �r�r� atdacli nt�ter rnc�ter�al,s you wot�ld like the Cou�TCil to �,��tz����r_� <br />ln speakingwith individuals �1���Yi�y plans f�� seelz lhig appointment, ��� issuesk�ove <br />oftei7 been identified sa,� possible concerns. Ti� an ef('i�rk to provide the C:ouncil �ith all <br />i�ifonnatiurt it in��� desire with respect to ,77 � candidacy far the appc�int�nei�t, I have addressed <br />each n.f'those i�sucs below. <br />My abilily to Rerv� �� a c�uncilinemher I7aviu �ust f 17is1�ed a�1p���J�n f�r ih� <br />nositiora of mavor. <br />As t�� cc»�ununity is aware, I ran for the position of'M�yor aFl.�osevilie in ti,e 2003 <br />election. With a team of �Iedicated supporters, I worlced hard to discuss issues impc�ttaut to <br />Roscville and i ncreaYe cikizen.s' invnlvcinent in their gc�vectun�nt. 1 am very proud of the cesultv <br />s� I'those efforts. With l,430 votes, 25% oi'the votcs cast, I wns successful ui my bid to �nc�kc it <br />thr«ugh the primary electionwitl� the sewnd h i�hest v��tc totals. In �L1G gencral election, C was <br />honored i�.o earn tlze voEes of 46"/� ni:�those who participated in the elecliun, 5,6991�osevi]le <br />citi�ens, <br />5 <br />