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FROM :JESSON PUSTLAW FAX NO. :651 767 9055 Jan. 15 2W4 Qd`���i9 P9 <br />ali tl�e citizens of the eoiYUnu»ity, I would see nc� reation l�� disrupt that seivice �n�l would not <br />seek tc+ ehallenge the appointee in the vpecial election, <br />C. Lifc g�es c�n. <br />While I a�r, o dedicated �nd effective public servant, my �lost imp��tant and ('ulfillin�; life <br />z�ale is tlxat �f`i�eing �e ��arent i:o i��y three childrerr. If the eircumstnnees �1`„�y family life detnancl <br />that ! for�� being a candidate in khc special election, J will not run. <br />TwiAne.yen Wrrn[ng - Soine nr aMl t�e iuii�m�auon �4 yuu �Ir uakcd to provide is c�asaificd by Stn�e !nw � �ithzr privatc i+r <br />4L'lll I�/'j'll�;. pMVate dnta i� infUnnntiun th�t �;cnernily cnn,n�h 4�e given In i�,� public but eon be �ivCn to the ��i��rcl iif tho dnln. <br />�:onf dem�til daln is i��f�rtnRtion that gen�,�nlly cEUinot he �i�en kti cither nc� public � the auhj�.c� of thc dntn. <br />The City nf Kosevitlo is wllecting r'�infoi.�uatinn i� detennine qualificntinns to a���; on the City � f,,,r_�il. Y��u are not i,�EJlll}� <br />required I�proviclt; :liit inl'wmution. <br />Other pursos�4 or cmtitir� Nuthorizcd by ldw to rcccive this infonnation orc Cii}".:�u���,��1 iTi�int�rs, si>iff, reaidents of Rnyeville <br />and iritcresteci ptheis. <br />T underst�nd thal aLL infarmatiun provided in �i� application, except my telc:phanc numbers, fex ilumber �ri� <br />�rna i I address, inay bc distributedhy kh� C'ity to 11�1e public inctudiug, but not littvted to, hsrig t�osted oti 11�e <br />City �.f Itageville wchaite. t agree tu waive any Pnd all c;laimc uncier the Minn.csuta Guvernntcut Data <br />Practices Act, or any otltcr applicable sla�c and federal law, that in atay way related to the dissetniiu1tiox� I o the <br />public of inforc.nation euntais�ed in tlli3 applicatian t�iat would be classifiedas priva�c; un.der �7i�� laws. I <br />undersland that I niay contaci fhe responaib.Ic authority for the City ofRc�ccville i f.i liave ���� questi���s <br />regard'uig thc public or private naltue of the infoa7nation provided. <br />lufidetst�ncl I.tiat the City tiviil not publishmy phone or �'ax �u�nbess �� crnail addresswilUout i�}� <br />au(horizatio�l �is�9 do liereby allow t}�e City i�a publish (check all that a���ly). <br />� ��r�nact�lephone�lumbe�� <br />�� ti��rk telcphone number <br />_,X email address <br />"' f �r <br />� <br />��-�------ ,- <br />�sa��� Ure nf �Fp�.�zi <br />�pff�vhcvr 41i��f'ri <br />... .�����- <br />�Ole �Y A+ �aS«-o�i��� <br />% <br />