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Roseville Police Department <br />SWOT ANALYSIS <br />January 2004 <br />STRENGTHS <br />Patrol team is focused and diverse <br />Quick responseto incidents, proactiveapproach to citizens' complaints. Department personnel are <br />diverse in age, ethnicity, gender, and experience. <br />Investigations unit has an excellent case clearance rate and a good reputation <br />The average case clearance rate for a department the size of RPD is 34%. The RPD's case <br />clearance rate is averaged at 48%. Feedbackfrom the department'sjudicial constituents is positive <br />and reinforces the dedication of this unit. <br />Supportteam is accurate, professional,and efficient <br />This unit passed two audits (FBI & BCA) with flying colors this past year. Crime statistics entered into <br />the BCA are continually at 98% accuracy or above. <br />Crime prevention program has the support of the community <br />This City has 60% participation in the Neighborhood Watch Program, an active group of citizens who <br />volunteer their time to patrol the parks, extremely successful National Night Out programs and Senior <br />Safety Camp programs. <br />Managementteam is innovative, enthused and has a"can do" attitude <br />The managementteam is constantly pursuing ways to keep this department on the cutting edge of <br />successful public safety service for the community. The team believes strongly in the mission of the <br />department and is committed to supporting it and each other. <br />WEAKNESSES <br />No commercial patrol officer <br />The City of Roseville has a large retail base, and yet the department does not have the manpowerto <br />commit officers to deterand investigatethe high numbers of thefts, fraud, and forgery common to <br />commercial cnme. <br />No dedicatedtraffic enforcement unit <br />While the population of Roseville remains static at 34,000, there are 150,000 people who utilize the <br />services of this community on any given day. Not being residents of the City they have no vested <br />interest in keeping our roadways safe. Traffic enforcement is a quality of life issue important to our <br />citizens. <br />No dedicated hightech staff member <br />As with all industries, the public safety industry is undergoing constant high tech advancements. This <br />department needs a membertrained and available to stay abreast of equipment and methodologies <br />that will continue to keep this department proactive and responsive to the community's needs. <br />More focus on homeland security issues <br />The Department is currently partneringwith Ramsey County in its attempts to keep this community <br />secure in the event of a national disaster; however, in the case of a catastrophicoccurrence, there are <br />not enough officers to coverthe City, We need the time and resources to recruit members of the <br />community to be trained as emergency responders. <br />More interactionwith community on quality of life issues <br />Due to staffing issues, the department does not have the resources to address issues that are <br />pertinentto this community (i.e., elder abuse, notjust prosecuting family violence but staying in <br />contact and providing support to affected families). <br />2 <br />