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increment and other potential sources of public assistance, to determine the <br />necessary public investment in the Redevelopment. <br />�ii� Establishment or modification of the Proj ect Area and tax increment districts, <br />or utilization of tax abatement. <br />�ii i� Review of the AUAR to determine conformity with the Master Plan. <br />�iv� Zoning, subdivisionandlor any other planning approvals. <br />�v) Acquisition of land within the Redevelopment Area by voluntary purchase <br />and/or condemnation. <br />���i � Construction of public improvements to serve the Redevelopment. <br />�� i�� Approval of the Redevelopment Agreement for the redevelopment of the <br />Redevelopment Area. <br />��•iii � Recommend changes to City ordinances to facilitate redevelopment <br />consistentwith the MasterPlan. <br />12. Discretionarv Actions. Redeveloper understands that many of the actionswhich the <br />City may be called upon to take require the reasonable discretion and, in some instances, the <br />legislative j udgment of the City. Such actions may be made only following established procedures <br />and the City may not, by agreement, agree in advance to any specific decision in such matters. <br />13. Reimbursements. The parties agree that it shall be a precondition of the City to <br />signing the Redevelopment Agreement that the Redeveloper reimburse the City for the following (a) <br />the lesser of (i) one-half of the cost incurred by the City for the Stakeholder Advisory process, or (ii) <br />$35,000; and (b) the lesser of (i) one-half of the costs incurred by the City for the TIF districting <br />(including costs incurred for blight studies), or (ii) $25,000; and (c) the costs incurredby the City for <br />preparing and negotiatingthe Redevelopment Agreement in an amount not to exceed $50,000 (any <br />costs in excess of $50,000 for this item (c) shall be paid by the City). In the event the City and <br />Redeveloper determine to abandon the Proj ect prior to signing a Redevelopment Agreement then <br />each party shall be responsible for its own costs and Redeveloper will not be responsible for any <br />reimbursementsto the City set forth in this Section 13. <br />14. Term of �ee��t.-� Subiect to the last narasranh of Section ��a�, this <br />Agreement for exclusive negotiations sha11 be binding upon the parties until March 31,2005 (the <br />"Term"). This instrumentmay be e�ended by the mutual consent of both parties. This Agreement <br />shall be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and assigns during the duration of <br />the Term of the exclusive negotiation period. Redeveloper may terminate this Agreement upon <br />thirty (30) days' written notice to the City in the event that Redeveloper determines that the <br />Redevelopment is not feasible. The City and the Redeveloper may mutually agree in writing to <br />terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the Term in which event this Agreement shall <br />� <br />