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Page 1 of 2 <br />Driscoll, Margaret <br />From: <br />Sent: Monday, March 15,2004 10:11 PM <br />To: <br />Cc:; <br />Subject: TWIN LAKES AREA SOURCES AND USES PROJECTION <br />Everyone was so intent on discussing the Developer Contract, no one took up the issue of <br />the huge, and probably insurmountablefinancing gap that your consultant, Jim Casserly talked <br />about. In my view, until that financing "gap" is filled, there is no point in proceeding; and we <br />are doing the prospective developers a disservice by egging them on. Please look at your <br />handouts. <br />No use talking about the 170 acre projection. That is too large a gap to be even possible. A <br />$75,800,000 GAP AFTER APPLICATION OF $50,000,000 OF TIF spells a dead duck. <br />The 67.8 acre project, ( the Area 1-5) projection is also dismal, and unless some major <br />decisions are made quickly, probably won't happen either. That projection shows a shortfall <br />gap of $27,300,000 AFTER APPLICATION OF $19,100.1A0 OF TIF. I assume that the <br />$19,100,000 million of TIF proceeds is the maximum amount that can be reasonablyforecast <br />to occur because of the development. That means the city has to find other sources of <br />financing for $27,300,000, even assuming the Council is willing to use TIF. That is a huae nut <br />to crack. <br />All I can suggest to all of you is that Jim Casserly be hired to get going and provide the <br />council with a menu of options to fill that gap. I don't see where he can come up with that <br />amount of money. But lets ask him to try. SOON. <br />Until the City finds a way to finance this 70 acre project, I think we are doing a disservice to <br />the developers to hold out hope to them. Jim's analysis shows that it will cost the <br />city /developers $12.76 per Sq. ft. to acquire the land, $4.94 to relocate and do site <br />preparation, and $4.67 for landscaping, streets, etc. That totals $22.38 cost per sq. foot, with <br />only $6.67 a sq. ft. from land resale. That is a whopping $15.70 per sq. ft. shortfall. TIF will <br />only cover $6.46. Leaving a shortfall of $9.24 per sq. foot, or a total shortfall of <br />$9.24, or $27,300,000. <br />I don't think TIF was ever intended to take care of this large a shortfall in the difference <br />between purchase costs and resales of land. It is just too much, even for TIF. <br />���� <br />��16�'���� <br />