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Assumptions with General <br />Consensus <br />The Praject wIN oNy proceed ry i11s 16rnddly �� <br />The projectwlp coMaln aml�UUre of land ue6s <br />RR�yi ti edsUrg and projecteddemographk yrofAe i s a given <br />��� v�r <br />The Marketplece - WIII dkta�9 demand, pace, value, �c. <br />�ncreesed tren� o� suirounang roaaNays, �a�r, <br />Ad�ecerr,les end edges (herd and sott etlges) wYl dnveplacemeM of land uspg <br />3iegetding demandfor, ��of, p�rtypesof, melket �+�4i�s�tw <br />resldeMlal uses <br />ProClerns assoclatetl wtth "DO Nothing' scenailo <br />RepeNlrg groas Vefaua nel ske area Qand requiredformads, ponding, elc.). <br />A��a�oa p��a. <br />1�hq �bcatlon lor pl� develoqnera <br />�4w�o� c�ilb <br />w��i� ��.� <br />�� ��m <br />Assumptions with Continued Discussion <br />. Demand for, marketability of, configuration of, absorption of, <br />and qualityof retail uses, particularlythe necessityof an <br />economic engine and the nature of that engine (does it <br />have to be a"big box"?) <br />. V�kak demand for, possible necessity of a subsidyto attracr <br />O�C2 US2S <br />. Twin Lakes Parkway. Is it essential? Implications of <br />removing? <br />