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STAFF MEMO TO CITY COUNCIL <br />DATE: 06121�� <br />ITEM: 8. <br />Department ApprovaL• Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />Item Description: Update about street, pathwaylsidewalk, and drainage improvements to <br />County Road B-2 <br />Background: At the May 24 City Council meeting staff presented information to the City <br />Council, regarding three possible alternates to construct a pathwaylsidewalk adjacent to County <br />Road B-2 with federal funds. After reviewing the informationpresented at the meeting and the <br />Feasibility Report, the City Council directed staffto: <br />• Construct the trail along Coeznty Road B-2 between Lexington and the westerly City <br />boundary as proposed. Explore an alternate west of Cleveland that routes the pathway <br />north to County Road C and then west to Walnut Street. <br />• Meet with Ramsey County to discuss the potential for the reconstruction of County Road <br />B-2 between Lexington Ave and Rice in conjunction with the trail. <br />• Meet with Federal Aid at Mn/DOT to discuss schedule and project scope. <br />This Report summarizes additional information about this Project. <br />Realignment of Pathway <br />We have had an opportunity to research the feasibility of changing the alignment of the pathway <br />between Clevelandand Walnut Street. This was at the request of CouncilmemberSchroeder. <br />We investigated an alternate alignment that took the pathway up Cleveland to County Road C <br />and then west to Walnut. We determined that there are 3 areas in this alignment that have <br />significant conflict. The first is the right-of-way along Cleveland; we would have to acquire <br />additional easements as well as relocate power poles or bury overhead power lines for most of <br />the half mile of Cleveland between County Road B-2 and C. The second is the 35 W bridge <br />underpass; to achieve the clearances and width necessary to meet federal design guidelines <br />significant wark would have to be performed under the bridge near the abutments. We have <br />estimated that this would add $250,000 to the project. Finally there are two choke points along <br />the westerly side of C that would add cost as well as right-of-way acquisition needs to the <br />Project. These are at the Minnesota Commercial Rail crossing and 2420 County Road C. As a <br />result, we do not recommend any change in the approved alignment as proposed for the trail west <br />of Lexington. <br />Reconstruction of County Road B-2 <br />At our meeting with Ramsey County we discussed the potential for the City to reconstruct the <br />portion of County Road B-2 between Lexington and Rice Street. The City estimates that the <br />reconstruction of the road to a 9-ton 32- to 34-foot wide street with an attached pathwaylsidewalk <br />would cost $3,602,455.50 including engineering costs. We discussed the level of County <br />financial participation in a project of this nature. The County is interested in working with us, <br />however the level of financial participation is not ideal. We discussed the following scenarios <br />