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d No overni�ht outdoor storage of vehicles is allowed on the premises. All <br />vehicles must be stored within the building each evening. <br />e. All signage pertaining to this use must meet the requirements of Section <br />1009 of the Roseville City Code. <br />� The Interim Use Permit is for a maximum of three years, terminating on <br />July 31,2007, with an annual review by the Community Development <br />Department. <br />g Hours of operation are limited to 8: 00 a.m. to 6,00 p.m. Monday through <br />Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Saturday. <br />h. Prior to occupancy, the space to be leased by the applicant must be <br />inspected by the city fire marshal and building inspector and be brought <br />into life safety�f`ire suppression code compliance for the proposed use. <br />7.0 PLANNING COMIVIISSION ACTION; <br />7.1 At their meeting of July 7,2004, the Roseville Planning Commission held the public <br />hearing regarding the Simpson Interim Use Permit request. At the meeting no citizens <br />addressed the Commission. <br />72 Member Pust asked for information regarding Sunday hours (state law) and Chair Mulder <br />asked if sales had already begun on the site (informed by Mr. Simpson that for two <br />months limited vehicle sales had occurred). <br />7.3 The Planning Commission voted (6-0) to recommend approval of a Three Year <br />INTERIM USE PERMI T in accordancewith Section 1012.06A and B of the Roseville <br />City Code for property located at 2660 Cleveland Avenue (Simpson Auto Leasing and <br />Sales) subj ect to the conditions of Section 6 of the proj ect report dated July 7,2004. <br />8.0 SUGGESTED CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />8.1 ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A THREE YEAR INTERIM USE <br />PERMIT in accordance with Section 1012.06A and B of the Roseville City Code for <br />property located at 2660 Cleveland Avenue (Simpson Auto Leasing and Sales) subj ect to <br />the conditions of Section 6 of the project report dated July 26,2004. <br />Preparedby: Dennis Welsch (651-792-7071) <br />Attachments: Narrative, properry location map, aerial photo of parcel, and Draft PC Minutes. <br />PF3580 RCA 072604 Page 4 of4 <br />