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i ru�=—rt*,C.C. �v�JFlLi i :�7 „v. � �� <br />iTr�.��.���u,� �-r�r • �' <br />� ���, ���,�� Document 13 <br />_ : ,. <br />' r � S � <br />Tourism r nd Hotel � Reven�es <br />Before a� d After Passage <br />of Smok��Free Restaurant Ordinarices <br />+ �.a��fl .+� � � <br />' J�,�ra�,aa-a� �a�u�� � : <br />s rt� �ta�� Yx�►r sECOrm- <br />hand cvbacc4;smoke endaa- <br />�' �ers riocLSm��trs �S accu- <br />t �u]�te�11 �are and more <br />' communiria have el�uaated smok-' <br />ing ai publicplaces and arkplacas. As <br />� of Sepermber 1998, 21 cozamunidcs <br />and 3��# h3d laws maadat- <br />ing smoke-free resrau u' and 1 sute <br />�California*? �nd 31 ca uniri.cs' had <br />t enacted local ardiaav�es requiring <br />�raolr�-��rs. Thes� ��n��mt <br />onlp procect aonsmo [rer.a rh� tox <br />ins in secondhand smo they also csr <br />ace � erivis+�rmnent i.t encn�uages <br />smokns to qw�.' <br />Ilie tobacco industt� rlgorously op- <br />� poses public hea]r� me�surrs t� <br />t pmtect its sal�. � r�� delmtes ovrr <br />i chae laws, it is co�ma� for the Uo- <br />; bacco industry (acd!.pg directly� or <br />i clirough [ron[ groups� �o �i�x that <br />these ordinances a cait severe eco- <br />no�mic problems far� che ��auraa�s and, <br />bars. After Glanrz sn� �ith°,lo pub- <br />lished �:Keir study d�vo uaong chat <br />; smoke-bet c�staur.uu ��n�' ances hav�c <br />i h a d no e.t�ect o n resuuruic rer�stues ai <br />�he first 15 cides to pa�s such ordi- <br />nances, the tobacca ind s cl.� of <br />econnmie clians lost Qed�p, � ^r. <br />Far� in California �ad �o rado, �ae <br />the cities were locoted Glan[z and <br />Smick�'�" la�nrnpdared � saidyand ex- <br />tendedit to includesmo�bas. Suh- <br />. sequent y'arL� by ath I tesearchers <br />' �•' +�s+r <br />Cont�xt Claims that ordlnances requiring smoke-fr�e �ur�ra� wlll adversely af- <br />feck tounsm have been used i� argue �nst g�ssu�garch ordinances. Data exlst re- <br />garding the valldlty of these claims. <br />ObJ�etiv� To de�rmincthe changesin hotel revenues end ir�tematlonal tounsm af- <br />ter passage of smokrfree �urant ot+dtnances In locales where the effect has been <br />debated. <br />Desian Ccrop� son of hotel rrvrnues and taurlsm �t�s before and �r pas,age <br />of 100yo smoke-frce restaurant ordlnances and comparlsan with UShotef revenue <br />overall. <br />S�ttittr Three statrs tCallfnmis. Utah, and �+�rt� and 6 cit�es (Boulder. Coto; Flag- <br />staff, Arir, Lns 1�1�xlrs. Callf; M�, Ari� New York, NY; and San Franclsco, Cali� in <br />whlch the effect on tnurism of sroke-free restaurant ordlnances had been debated. <br />Maln Outcom�' M�asuns Hotel room revenues and hotel revenues as a fratiipn <br />of total tetall sales compared wlth preardlnance r�venues and overall US revenues. <br />Reiul�t 'In tonstant 1997 dollars, passage of t� stlloke-free restaurant ot�dfnance <br />was associabed with a statls�tically slgnificant incrw�v In 1he rate of change of hotel <br />revtnua In 4 Incallties, no slgnlflcant change in 4�� arid a sign�icant sfowing <br />In the rafr oflnaease (but notadecrease)In 1 locallty. There was no slgnificant chsnge <br />in the rata of change of hateE rcvenues as a fractlon of total retail sales {� _.16i or <br />total US hotel revenues assodated wlth the ordfnances whm pooled across all loeall- <br />ties (P =.93). IrrtEmafiona! tourism was eltherunaffected or inaeased fnllowing implo- <br />ment�don af the smoke-free ordinances. <br />Canclusten 5moke-frce ordlnances do notappearko adversely affect, and rrray In- <br />c��,tourist business. <br />J�+��4. 7��1;il1i.1978 www.�unicom <br />yirlded sim,ila findings for sroke-free <br />restaurant ondinancrs in 89 cities in 6 <br />�raps.� Despite tobacco indu�saypro- <br />cestaci�oas to the contrazy, all �he ciapiri- <br />csl evidmce supports the proposidoa <br />that smokc�fz�ec resavraQit orduzancES do <br />aoc hurt che restaw-ant b�sL�� <br />�5-s � ua�•� indvs�s �]eims �f <br />adr�� �xe6 � �e r�uraa�a�db� <br />bu,.�-mr.� bave Lost �rtdibillt}r, it bu•3 �- <br />v�aced a a.e� s��aa ratc a;gumc�e <br />b�ins� P�s-'�� smolae-fra resm„�^� <br />or�n���t�: [V�.as� 4a d�ces „�i55 � <br />.,rr-.�,.- t•+� • -. x •� }�•+��r+.a•-r�-„�� � �. � � <br />uersel}* a�'ec[ tourism. Tn some places. <br />dit indusay i� cla.imed claac �o� <br />�om counaies such as Japan and Ger- <br />�r�be��jrat�ected, There <br />is only 1 study of 1 ciry on the effeccs <br />af a smoke-£rce ordinance on tour- <br /> W� [dendfied 3 sr�tes and 6�[- <br />�1qpQ�,u�p��eae x+seb,� �or r��tA P�A� S� <br />I� G�p�p'trtlC� � �►� unh�� � �111k1ti <br />fY� 5aei � <br />Caa��n!!n� �4ukha� ��d �R�� Smnian � <br />� r,�,�tw�+a r��, ���r�� <br />I'w�i 3�w fr+�m, Sry F��r�to. G�k 9�7U- <br />DiS� trr.uL' �i.r��r'�u�.rau�. <br />L�.4�14i k�a� ]d :�k'mL i$ I, No. 20 197 i <br />�� � .- _, . � � - � • r ,. ,.. �� ��r rti� � �� - <br />�� _ <br />