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28. <br />� <br />30. <br />Woodruf% T, et al. Lower Levels of Qga- <br />rC�e Consumpdon Found i n Smoke-Free <br />Worl�laces i n Califom ia. �rchives of !n- <br />�ee�rl Medicine 1993;153:148�1493. <br />Stiliman, F et al. Eriding Smoking at the <br />Johns Hopkins Medical institutioos: An <br />Evaluation cf Smoking �revalence and <br />lndoor Pollution. J^MA. 1990;264: <br />1565-1569. <br />Clasgow, R:, et al. A. Relationship of <br />Worksite Smoking Policy to Chang� i n; <br />Employee ToUacco lJ�e: Findings f�an <br />Appendix 1 <br />� „_ <br />COMMIT. Tobacco Control. 1997';6 <br />r�p+z): saa--sas. <br />31. .Patten, C, et al. Workplace Smoking <br />Policy and Changes i n Smoking Behavior <br />i n California: A S�.�ted Assoclation. <br />Tobacco ConrroL 1995;4: 3 641. <br />32. Taylor �onsulting Croup. The San !r� <br />GBi�x� Smoking Q�; A S6�dy of <br />the Economic Im pacts �f �n �.uts Obis po <br />Restauranis caxl Bars. San Luis O b i i <br />CA: Taylor ConsultingGroup (under con- <br />bv�s4a��'Iq•[�F5an LuisObispo);1993. <br />33. Bartosch, W and Pope, G. The Eoo- <br />nomic Effeci of $�-�i� Restaurant <br />Policies on Restaurant�usiness i n Massa. <br />chusetts. ja,r� cf Publk Healtfr Mari- <br />agement cqul Practice. 1999;5, m. 153- <br />62. <br />34. Hyland, q Cummings, KM., and <br />Naumberg, E. Malysis of Taxable Sales <br />Receipls: Was �+4w York Cit�/s Smoke- <br />Free Ai r Act Bad for Restaurant 9usinessi' <br />Joumal of Public Health Management <br />and Practice. 1999;5, no.1= 14-21. <br />Cities and Counties with Ordinances Restricting Smoking in Restaurants or Bars that Have Been Studied Based on <br />Sales Tax Data <br />Amherst, M,i*' <br />Anderson, CA'�' <br />Andover, MA" <br />Ar1i�rn,MAoa <br />Aspen, �Q�L�v <br />Attleboro, MA" <br />1lu]au� �y,loai.i2-.�a <br />Bedford, MA" <br />Bellflower, ��L�w <br />Belmont, MA" <br />B0V0Yly H]115, �'.�i�o-iu�u <br />Brookline, Mr'r"� <br />Buncombe County, NG'" t <br />Chicopee, hdrl"t <br />Colfax. CA'a <br />Ckntra Costa Ccxmty,�4�' <br />Craven County,�' +t <br />Culver CiLy.CA'* * <br />Davis, CA'�1' <br />East Longmeadow, MA" <br />Easthampton, MA" <br />� LiliL'li�. 5r�i1R7L�1i <br />Flagstaff, AZ1° <br />Foxborough, M.��" <br />Framingham, MAW <br />Grass Valley, �4w <br />Greenfield. M,i*� <br />Halifax County, NG'6 *t <br />Holden, MA" <br />Holyolce, MAm <br />Indian Wells, �#�' • <br />Lanesborough, MAm <br />Lee, MA" <br />Lenox,lVlA" <br />Lexington, MA" <br />�� ��a��uw <br />Long Beach, CA'�� • <br />Longmeadow, MA" <br />Los Gatos, ��' <br />MSThII@2, {'r�1~w.�° <br />Medfield, MA" <br />Mesa. AZ° <br />Montague, MA" <br />New Yorlc, N'Y'* <br />Northampton. MAfs <br />Norwell� MA"t <br />Orange County, NGKB t <br />P� Alto, CA'aizax-i+ <br />Paradise, ��a«u�� <br />Plainville, MA'o <br />Plymouth, MA" <br />Rancho Mirage, �4T� * <br />Reading, �d�4�' <br />Redding. CA'�" <br />�� �so.ii,lria <br />Ross, �i'�t, ,•,• <br />Sacaamento, �}'i�"'-°�'a <br />San Luis Obispo, �"'gt� <br />San Joaquin County, �►� • <br />San Mateo Courrty, CA�• * <br />Santa Clara County, CA'�" <br />Sarat,oga, �l" ' <br />�� �u <br />Shasta County, �{"� <br />Snowmass. ��°'� �rn <br />South Hadley. MA." <br />Southamptoa, MA" <br />Stockbridge, M.'�'� <br />Stocicton, �4" * <br />Sunderland, MA�' <br />Sunnyvale, G1it' * <br />Telluride, �°'�""}' <br />Tewlcsbury,lVlA" <br />Tiburon, �}1��� <br />Tracey. �'� * <br />Walce County, NC" *t <br />Walcefield, MA" <br />Walnut Creelc, �',li'� <br />West Springfield,MA" <br />West L,a1ce Hills, `I'X�' <br />Yountville, �'A�' * <br />*Less Ur�m 100% smoke-free restaurants. +Repealedar overturned in court after a period of time fr► force. <br />17€ <br />