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ROSEVILLE HOUSING SUMMARY - PLANNING DISTRICT 11 <br />Population <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Children (Age 0-5) <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Children (Age614) <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Working Adults (15-24) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Working Adults (25-54) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Worldng Sen's (55-69) <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Seniors (65+) <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Households <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Location Map - Planning District I I <br />DistriM District <br />Number Percent Number Total <br />642 Persons per Household : S <br />7 : ` �"".ti Single Family = G <br />'_f �i Mukif'amily I 5 <br />I! Residential Acres i 5 i' <br />I' 9�L5: Single Family 13+ � <br />n4. Muki f'amily •' 1 <br />Residents per Acre <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Income (2000 estimate) <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Percent Minorities <br />Single Family <br />Muki f'amily <br />Ethnicity ('/e District) <br />White (non-Hisp.) <br />Non-VJhite <br />Housing Type <br />Condominiums <br />Townhomes <br />Aparhnents <br />Single Family <br />Others <br />ITotal M F Complexes: <br />n7 <br />Ry <br />i <br />�+ <br />�� <br />I <br />�� <br />�4. <br />}1 <br />.� <br />Itil <br />i� <br />.�3 <br />G <br />ti' � <br />�� <br />#{rt� <br />I' x <br />�� <br />Ih <br />� <br />� <br />�4'. <br />I� <br />I �. <br />G!•� <br />�S�• <br />i!■ <br />5� <br />t� <br />�� <br />9l14'.4 <br />S fw,i99 <br />�S 3a.f5rJ <br />�I� <br />� I' r <br />�24F <br />1 P7k <br />i {�y <br />II*. <br />�I � <br />4 <br />0 <br />I� <br />]� <br />7 <br />�4�4 <br />i�: <br />1 x� <br />4�!� <br />0!L <br />Owaer Units <br />Ownets 1#} frS4 <br />MF #��er Oaly � <br />Builtprc-1970 �r <br />OwnerTarnoverRate _ <br />{!SG than 2 years � — <br />2 to 4 years � _ <br />5 to 9 years � — <br />10 years+ p � <br />Unlcnown <br />�� Units <br />Rrnters � S� <br />MF Rental Only � t <br />Builtpre-1970 4 <br />Renter Turnover Rate <br />less than 2 years � 33!ti <br />2 to 4 years � �lS+� <br />5 to 9 years r qi'� <br />10 years+ G ,7;,, <br />Unlcnown � �t <br />51� �:�o+eu�; <br />None • <br />Rent21: 22A7 County Road B f <br />glistrkt S ummary: <br />�Snr�ro� �7rhxl � I K Irr.�lul �n ihS pnilkxt�� <br />� ofRosevillc betwecn Highway 2$0 and <br />jCbr�rl�rtd r4= . foad� „f �•a Fv+. �,r,i �4 xttvs,x <br />dK lu.i u iF{� 4�}41Cr �� �%rNQ�+al�l IS ��Nd <br />open space. <br />�41�k� � I'aid Il�r hi�cH �.+C�NrY� v� r�li <br />u.� mroa pra�v �d�r4,w,d,,ti �{�p�i nr <br />hcuL� w IhC Ji�Fisl kv�N s�r�r-f�il� <br />r�n.++++f��� kp�rtt-0� M1I� oM�� �aftw <br />��krct hsi� �uqif�rndy. DirtricL � �� �F�c <br />21`2il �.Mlh�k�htl �1 fif OFMIk diS�kl ti� Mly <br />7�„z..,,r ao- �n.�f.r.� ��.�wr�,R rti�r�a v, <br />Yhere are no multif'amily units except f'or 1 <br />�'� home). There arc only apartments in the <br />hmily categoxy in this districY, there are no <br />' and M1p owncrship multif'amily units in <br />I I. The majorityof'thc singlc family <br />dn� in District I I was built bef'ore 1971, whilc <br />ur� apartment complex in this district was <br />nswcted after 1971. <br />F�niag Dc�-iv� I I haa d6c �ewcst households pq <br />.�� ho��xhalds � rrv_ and the lowest <br />ohci �perauro �a �crs. 3.6. The district has <br />S Iv+��µ+�t ��c'v+�*+dentsof'allof'thc <br />� �l7s� �ilh � wv�c a� ofk7.'!}t <br />M]oriry oi the mulfifamily residents are working <br />�rnf�m r�rr ] 5 rM 5�. ��4 +�4 rlp. h+y{ <br />��. �_� �q a c�upie of ehiidren �iving <br />nW I � IIIRI�S' Yr71d� rl � in this district at all. <br />'� ia1n� Fw �r Im��c vrrra� mallil�ailx <br />Id irrt��c d 9��#'�9 {dur�ard 1v u•rr <br />7�,3�d m Daaici 7, � h�{hcn r�� <br />�4CY�p �+va'1rc+d �arr� 5r�r iur�� <br />� in d�hi�i � I�v rtcrs� zFic� <br />w#r rrnldL4a�ulp ha�x�hdOE eirb a, <br />v� �ilh rrm� ircvao �rc tIFI,IK18 6or <br />�t j�m�l. h744{��tili <br />