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ROSEVILLE HOUSING SUMMARY ' PLANNING D15TR1CT 12 <br />Population <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Children (Age 0-5) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />C6ildren (Age 614) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Working Adults (1524) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Working Adults (25-54) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Working Sen's (55-69) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Senion (65+ ) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Households <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Location Map • PlanningDistrict 12 <br />District Uislrict <br />Number Percent Number Total <br />3a'_� Persoa� per Houserold 2.0 <br />1652 ��`G SingleFamily 2.7 <br />4�� iT�: Multi f'amily 1.4 <br />Residential Acres <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Residents per Acre <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Income (2000 aNmate) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Percent Minorities <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Ethsicity ('/. District) <br />White (non-HispJ <br />Non-White <br />Housing Type <br />Condominiums <br />Townhomes <br />Apartments <br />Single Family <br />Athers <br />ITota1 MF Complexes: <br />ti� <br />_IS <br />]' <br />=F= <br />� �a <br />� <br />r �1 <br />�:a <br />�+. <br />�� <br />�+� <br />i�L <br />!4d <br />�� <br />� <br />IlOi <br />6G1 <br />�UT <br />faG�. <br />� <br />'�k� <br />I1 •i <br />7� :i <br />�r.. <br />i'• '•� <br />�� <br />64'�. <br />31¢. <br />{ia: <br />iS'. <br />J6'; <br />S j�'. <br />�i1� U�I <br />OW(ICIS <br />MF' O�raer Oely <br />Built pro-1970 <br />MF 4hYf� Tmnover <br />kss tlian 2 yeus <br />2 to 4 years <br />t�y� <br />10 yeus+ <br />Unkiwwn <br />a�1u�r <br />itrntets <br />MF �t. ui O�ly <br />Built pre-1970 <br />MF ReatrrTarnover <br />�� �,�„ z y� <br />2 to 4 years <br />F�4y+r� <br />10 years+ <br />Unlmown <br />1 d�l 3�'li <br />77''� <br />�d <br />�'_ 1�3i <br />#{i 7SS4 <br />7� fif4 <br />� � <br />Y Q'K <br />� � <br />■i4 <br />� <br />i rr #ax <br />I S � �i �'. <br />�� �Gx <br />a� 4w. <br />� I� <br />� r�r Femswood, Midland Grove <br />I Re�t j;, I510 Counry Road B, 1614 <br />Eldridge, 1629 Skilltnen, 1647 County <br />Road B. Gerky, HarMar, Rose Park <br />I 2086 SamuelSt. Rosewood Village. <br />2180 Haddington Rd <br />�amaK a:laln�C I} i� k+.�ic�J wu!F vf Hi�h�iy <br />269.9 6. t•i�� G� �'k�'�F�Pd iaA :�IIinF�ltio,V• <br />rly $5 perceiit of the'land in Planning DiStt'iCt <br />Il i��diuladr. c��c•fsnilrhouaoy <br />224.4 <br />45.5 .�dl¢ QlimCt I� hrr �he lllfd h�ltil drdet aP <br />iL�rrv �n �I7 �N�A�7: 13 �rropi M �M <br />tifam�ly resiQents are minority. Even among <br />9.7 in�lrl�m�� Fti�ho��en�n �y <br />Im �mior, I� pern! ut rtwarr�c rc <br />7.4 <br />21.4 <br />$ 67,775 <br />'1 III!,�115 <br />S 3Y, irw <br />Llw: <br />I� <br />v�y <br />�� <br />1�. <br />� �"''+ <br />ian� <br />1,:2 <br />• <br />*7Y <br />i9i <br />I� <br />'�2 <br />57b', <br />� <br />� k .�'. <br />�� <br />I ': <br />'lanning District 12 has the one of'the highest <br />ercentage of'multif'amily housing of'any district <br />�ith nearly 54 percent of'all housing being <br />�ulfif'amily. There are also many typesof' <br />�ultifamily options in this district, with 12 <br />iffecent complexes in the diihict (a miz of condon <br />nd apartments). Income differences between <br />vmers and renters are stark; average household <br />ncomes f'or renters are 538,000 while average <br />ncomes f'or ownas are above S 102,000. Renter <br />�comes are above the citywide average, however. <br />?istrict 12 has by f'ar tY�e most caxbs of'all of'tYie <br />ietricts with 422 condos. District I2 has the <br />raad u�sY ownershi� •,, ���*_+'�^� !y uuits, wikh 292 <br />v�Li 71d�1�} 7�D uf I}� �luki��mi} ani4 d 115! <br />�i�-� .n. hW. ky�orc I v!b <br />'re single f'amily households have lived in their <br />om�� for a long time; about a third of'them have <br />roed in their cwrent homes between 5-9 }s� and� <br />early 30 percent have lived there f'or more than 10 <br />ears. Renters are morc likely to have lived in theh• <br />urten[ unit for 2 to 4 years. <br />�bout 20 percent of the children living in District <br />2 reside in multif'amily units. A larger percentage, <br />early 40 percent, of'the multif'amilyresidents in <br />Iistrict 12 are either working seniors or seniors <br />�ver the age of 65). <br />