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ROSEVILLE HOUSING SUMMARY - PLANNING D1STRICT 13 <br />Population <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />C6ildrea(Age 0-5) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Children (Age 614) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Worklag Adults (15-24) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Working Adulb (25-54) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Working Sen's (55-69) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Seaion (65+ ) <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Households <br />Single Family <br />Multi f'amily <br />Location Map - Planning Distric[ 13 <br />Districi � <br />Number Percent Number Total <br />166�1 Penoey per HouseAoW �.2 <br />]{'a] K� SingleFamily �d <br />a3i �•''y Muki f'amily � a <br />7'_ RafdenHal A c m 7}�.� <br />di � SingleFamily ]f14.11 <br />+i � Multi f'amily 3d.� <br />]6+1 Resideab per Acrc It.�l <br />E4: �`•� SingleFamily $� <br />.. +�`� Muki f'amily 7� Q <br />i I' �nwme (2000 admate) ��a j?� <br />]3s! blb SingleFamily i 70�d' <br />�+ �� Multi f'amily ! VI;+� <br />'• �� Percent Minorities i0�. <br />� �SO T� SingleFamily 4� <br />J4� �. Muki f'amily I � <br />�i++ Etlsiciry('/• ri;trict) �ox <br />��� R4�. White (non-HispJ 94:4 <br />t.' � �� Non-White I 4'�q <br />Sic7 Housiag Typc �,G}S <br />50S EG4 Condominiums a �.� <br />!� �?'a Townhoma a p�!� <br />Apartments �', 3 ]4� <br />IeJ s SingleFamily I�34 b4'S„ <br />Others 7� i'!4 <br />I �fxi � la'. <br />�72 t4S�. �F MF Complesa: � <br />�i� <br />Owners I �: I Qh <br />MF OM�er Oaly � <br />Built pre-1971 I Gfr1 <br />MF Ow�er Tarsovtr <br />1� iL, � },�+ 4 <br />2 to 4 ycars 4 <br />5 co 9 yeazs u <br />10 years+ 4 <br />Unknmm � <br />�� <br />Rencers 70� #�4 <br />MFRflpYlO�ly �7i <br />Builtprc-197t p <br />MF Re�ter Taruover <br />less t}ian 2 years L9� �Z'.a <br />2 to 4 yeazs [�0 305r <br />5 to 9 years '_3 S� <br />10 yesrs+ � 5 i3� <br />Unknown �n i Cic <br />�y�, None <br />P�'� 1144 Dionne St, 1363 Counry <br />Road B, 2125 Pascal, Cbverdale, <br />LexlawnlRoselewn, Rose Mall. Rose <br />Vista, RoseviUe Tertace <br />Mct S ummary: <br />' District 13 is located just south of � <br />r �rnlcrof'Roseville, bounded by Highway <br />G w� north, and Snelling Ave. to the west <br />L.f1[ington Ave. to the east. Not many <br />ben Live in rental units in this district. <br />29 percept o f the district's households <br />� n multif'amily apartments, yet only 8 <br />of'the district's preschoole[s and 6 <br />of'the district's school-age children <br />ive inmultif'amilyhousing. <br />iry4 Gi�hid C3 is tied with Planning <br />' l� m�ni df density of'housing, with <br />dtit � 3•�xud highest number of' <br />� per li[1t. � The multif'amilyhousing <br />� I�trncRs in this distrieY, there <br />na �vr�v n� b�-FlrL7iiy nWIiiFMlll� <br />ry-ts yn tke Alskief. The aryaittt�Es are <br />" ely new, all havit�g been cauWCted <br />17oa IYlI <br />majority of'the renters in this district hLYic <br />'vcd �n their units fewCr tY�n 2 ycars. The <br />p� group of'multif'amily renters in this <br />jiistrict is working adults aged 25-54. <br />verage incomCS f'or renters arejust over <br />30,000 in District I 2, while average incomes <br />or owners are about 578,000. i'hat averages <br />lower than sortte of'the ��+; � <br />istricts, but the disparity befween renter and <br />wner incomes is not as great as elsewhere. <br />