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� � <br />� �J <br />�at� 11, ��� <br />� <br />Department Approval Manager Approval Ageada ���� <br />.��. _.� <br />Item Description: � <br />Review of Roseville Citizen Advisory Commissions <br />L Background <br />On January 5, staff informed Council about the members of citizen advisory <br />commissions whose terms were ending and we sought Council direction on the <br />process for addressing these expiring terms. (Attachment 1, 1/5/04 RCA.) <br />At the February 23rd City Council meeting, the Council directed staff to re- <br />search two new possible citizen advisory commissions or task forces: a Citizen <br />Environmental Advisory Task Force and a Business Advisory Commission. In <br />addition, Council asked staff to take a comprehensive look at the size, term <br />lengths, term limits, and appointment/reappointment process for citizen advi- <br />sory commissions, as well as to scan the possibility of inerging citizen commis- <br />sions. (Attachment 2, 2�23�04 Minutes.) <br />On March 8, staff reported on these issues to the CounciL (Attachment 3, <br />3/ 8/ 0 4 RCA.) <br />On March 8, Council discussion was to the effect that these issues should be <br />address later in the year after the Council's elected membership had been clari- <br />fied. (Attachment4, 3J8/04 Minutes.) <br />II. Recap <br />Roseville currently has five standing citizen advisory commissionsl: Parks & <br />Recreation, Planning, Public Works and Transportation, Police Civil Service, <br />and Human Rights. All Commissions except the Police Civil Service Commis- <br />sion meet regularly, usually monthly. Each Commission handles responsibili- <br />ties specific to their area of expertise as described in the City Code, State Law, <br />or both. <br />' This staff report does not address the Housing and RedevelopmentAuthority (HRA). The HRA is a separate legal <br />body whose composition, responsibilities, and appointmentprocess are largely set forth in state statute. This report <br />addresses only citizen advisory commissions. <br />