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Roseville City Council <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />These five standing Citizen Commissions have various sizes and term lengths: <br />Human Rights- 10 Commissioners plus one student Commissioner (3year <br />terms) <br />Parks and Recreation- 9 Commissioners plus one student Commissioner (3 <br />year terms) <br />Planning- 7 Commissioners (4year terms) <br />Police Civil Service- 3 Commissioners (3year terms) <br />Public Works and Transportation - 5 Commissioners (3year terms) <br />III. City Manager's Recommendations <br />A. Standardize Commission Term Len�ths And Term Limits. <br />I suggest two 3-year terms. Commission members would still be appointed us- <br />ing staggered terms so that historical knowledge and experience remain within <br />each Commission. <br />Reasons: Currently and for a long time, we are seeing considerable turnover <br />among citizen advisory commission members. In the Human Rights Commis- <br />sion, 7 of the 10 commissioners are filling mid-term vacancies. In the Parks <br />and Recreation Commission, 2 of 7 commissioners are filling mid-term vacan- <br />cies. For the Planning Commission the numbers are 4 of 7, and for the Police <br />Commission the numbers are 2 of 3. <br />Perhaps shorter terms of three-years each, and term limits of a maximum of <br />two consecutive terms, would serve to attract and help retain citizens on these <br />volunteer commissions. Judging from the number of resignations, longer <br />terms create an unduly long time commitment and burden on citizen volun- <br />teers. This is disconcerting for the citizen volunteer, and creates continuity <br />and stability issues for the remaining citizen members of the commission and <br />for the staff who assist the commission. <br />Shorter terms together with term limits would also serve to create opportunities <br />for fresh ideas and more citizen involvement. Yet terms would still be suffi- <br />ciently long not to jeopardize the ability of commission members to develop and <br />use the specialized knowledge they gain through continuous service and ex- <br />perience on a commission. <br />2. Standardize the Size of Commissions. <br />Currently commissions range in size of voting members from 3 on the Police <br />Civil Service Commission to 10 (plus 1 non-voting student) on the Human <br />Rights Commission (HRC). The HRC particularly has problems keeping a full <br />slate of inembers. <br />