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Roseville City Council <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />The following government bodies already play important roles in review- <br />ing environmental issues within Roseville: three Watershed Districts, <br />Ramsey County, the MN Department of Natural Resources, the MN Pollu- <br />tion Control Agency, and the Metropolitan Council. Public Works staff <br />already work extensively with these agencies. <br />I am not recommending that an expanded Public Works, Environmental, and <br />Transportation Commission would eclipse the considerable environmental work <br />already being performed in the City. For example, the Roseville Parks and Rec- <br />reation Department and Commission address environmental issues such as <br />those dealing with preservation of trees, greenspace, wetlands, and wildlife <br />habits. They also deal with non-native species and pollution from herbicides <br />and pesticides. Admittedly, their focus is on city parkland rather than private <br />property. But I am not proposing this work be taken over the Public Works <br />Department or Commission. <br />Similarly, the Community Development Department, sometimes in conjunction <br />with the Planning Commission, deals occasionally with noise and light pollu- <br />tion issues. This is especially so when noise or light become "nuisances" as de- <br />fined by the City Council under the City's Nuisance Code. Additionally, the <br />Community Development Department is actively involved in brownfield rede- <br />velopment within the City. I am not recommending that the Public Works De- <br />partmen.t or the PW and Transportation commission take over this work. <br />The scope of the environmental issues addressed by this expanded Commission <br />would have to be worked out in the City Code. But the core idea is that an ex- <br />panded Public Works, Environmental, and Transportation Commission would <br />be a standing citizen body to which residents could bring environmental issues <br />or initiatives as an initial citizen forum for review. <br />B. Instead of Creating a Separate Business Advisory Council or Commis- <br />sion, Amend the City Code to Require that at Least One Member of Each of <br />Roseville's Five Advisory Commissions Must Include a Business Owner <br />Within Roseville. <br />Similar to my recommendation regarding environmental issues, I recommend <br />against a new, separate citizen advisory commission relating to the business <br />community. Let's utilize our existing commissions to a greater extent. Let's <br />see if the existing commissions can satisfy the perceived need for more empha- <br />sis or sensitivity to certain issues or points of view before creating an entirely <br />new and separate citizen commission. <br />4. Clarify the Commission Appointment and Reappointment Process. Council <br />Resolution 9372 describes the procedure to fill vacancies and make reappoint- <br />ments to citizen commissions. According to City Attorney Jay Squires (letter <br />