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� of-Way has been reviewed by the Public Works Department. The road right-of-way <br />? being requested for vacation has been determined to be unnecessary. Specifically, <br />ti Wagner Street will remain a dead end cul-de-sac west of Western Avenue (never to <br />d connect). However, an existing public water main and sanitary sewer lie beneath the <br />� portion of right-of-way proposed to be vacated and therefore a utility easement must be <br />t� retained. He explained the Parks Department request to retain a trail easement within the <br />� right-of-way. <br />� <br />� Based on findings and conclusions as listed in the project report dated October b'� the <br />1� staff recommended that the request by Sue & Jay Rollinger and Anne Elias and Ray <br />I 1 Cartwright, to vacate a portion of the Wagner Street right-of-way be approved, subject to <br />1 � the following conditions: <br />1� <br />1� <br />I� <br />I� <br />1� <br />1� <br />1 �� <br />�� <br />?� <br />�� <br />a i <br />5 <br />i. <br />�� <br />�� <br />��r <br />�� <br />�� <br />�, c� <br />� <br />�� <br />31 <br />�� <br />3 _; <br />34 <br />35 <br />� fa <br />�7 <br />3� <br />�� <br />�C� <br />4] <br />�? <br />43 <br />� <br />�5 <br />� �r <br />a. The retention of a 30 foot wide utility easement over the portion of street <br />right-of-way to be vacated. <br />b. The applicant must submit the legal description of the area to be vacated <br />and the proper legal document on which to record the vacation at Ramsey <br />County, both to be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public <br />Works. <br />c. The retention of a 30 foot wide trail easement over the portion of street <br />right-of-way to be vacated. <br />Debra Bloom, Assistant Public Works Director, clarifiedthe request to reserve a <br />patt�/sidewalk easement on the same 30 feet of land which would be vacated as a road <br />right-of-way. Chair Traynor asked for staff clarification on the recommendation (Staff: <br />staff requested that two easements utilities and sidewalldpathway would be retained over <br />the same 30 foot wide by 156 foot long area). <br />Member poherty asked why is there this need for a pathway? Why was it not brought <br />forth at the time ofthe south right-of-wayeasement? <br />Ann Elias, adjacent owner, said she did not originally (at the time of the south `/z right of <br />way vacation) know of north easement and wished it to be maintained as a pathway. It <br />should have been shared between the two vacations. There should be no paved trail, but <br />kept natural (as is). <br />Chair Traynor asked if the City required a hard surface on easements. Thomas Paschke <br />will discuss this with Parks and Recreation staff to determine pathway need. <br />Debra Bloom explained that if a trail is required, it should be over the top of the utility <br />easement. <br />Pat Alexander, 2165 Midlothian Road, supported the easement but suggested a gravel <br />pathway for biking. <br />Chair Traynor closed the hearing. <br />Page 2 of 12 <br />� <br />� <br />