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L and is consistent with the developers Applewood Concept PUD Development Plan <br />? approved by the City Council on June 16,2003, which Plan was supported by the <br />3 Planning Commission on March 5, 2003. <br />� <br />b <br />� <br />8 <br />9 <br />i�� <br />iC <br />I� <br />t� <br />R� <br />15 <br />EG <br />I� <br />9� <br />t� <br />�� <br />�1 <br />�� <br />�� <br />�4 <br />�5 <br />��i <br />�? <br />26 <br />�� <br />3� <br />31 <br />3� <br />3� <br />.�,4 <br />;i 5 <br />3�r <br />�� <br />Staff recommended approval is contingent upon the applicant complying with the <br />following conditions: <br />a. <br />� <br />c. <br />d. <br />The provision of a 10 foot wide storm sewer force main easement on the <br />south property line, a pathway easement, and an easement for the public <br />overlook. <br />The relocation of the proposed retaining wall outside of the storm sewer <br />force main easement. <br />A revised landscape plan to include a decorative fence and landscaping <br />that will screen and separate the town homes from the public path. <br />Extending the existing 8 inch water main (not a 6 inch as proposed) to the <br />south side of the town home to be constructed on Lot 10. <br />e. The grading proposed grading of the site being modified to eliminate <br />overland drainage from crossing the path. Said modificationcan include <br />two locations for pips to carry drainage fram the west to the east under the <br />path and into the storm management pond. <br />Mark Nelson, applicant representative of United Properties, had no further comment. <br />There were no further comments. Chair Traynor closed the public hearing. <br />Motion: Member Bakeman moved, seconded by Member Boerigter, to continue <br />the request by United Properties (Planning File #3602) to Planning Commission <br />meeting of October 14,2004. <br />Ayes: 6 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />� <br />� <br />, <br />r- <br />