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Page 1 of 1 <br />From: <br />Sent: <br />To: <br />�.�4���� <br />Sunday, November 07,2004 9:25 AM <br />neal. beets@ci. rosevil le. mn. us <br />Subject: Re: Citizen Advisory Commission Survey <br />Neal, <br />My feedback is based on my experience as a member of the Human Rights Commission. The Citizen Advisory <br />Commissions are quite different in their roles. I'm not certain that "one size should fit all." <br />1. I think the HRC has been too large. We haven't been able to sustain a stable membership at ourtargeted <br />size. As a result, it contributes to a sense that we don't have a lot of traction as a group in terms of making <br />progress. <br />2. Term length seems about right. <br />3. I agree with a limit of finro terms <br />4. This is a non-issue from the HRC perspective; we don't have enough members as it is. <br />5. DNA <br />6. Those of us on the HRC have certainly tried to make a contribution to the community and I believe we have <br />done some good work over the past few years. But our work has largely been done absent any larger context. As <br />a result, our efforts feel very piecemeal to me. In my three years on the commission, I've never heard any city <br />official provide any vision/direction about the kind of community we are trying to create in Roseville and the way <br />the HRC can support that vision. How the various elements of the community - <br />churches/schools/businesses/government/citizens - need to work togetherto make this vision a reality. If we had <br />that context in which to work, I think the HRC could make a solid contribution. We spend a lot of time on the <br />bricks and mortar in Roseville, little time on the human side of the community we want to create for the future. <br />1 I �� Q�#,��U4 <br />