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Page 1 of 2 <br />From: <br />Sent: Wednesday, November 03,2004 8:54 PM <br />To: <br />Subject: Re: Citizen Advisory Commission Survey <br />In a message dated 10/281200412:51:47 PM Central Daylight Time, <br />writes: <br />1. Do you think the size of your citizen advisory commission is <br />a. About Right? <br />b. Too Large? <br />c. Too Small? <br />Explanation, if you wish, about your choice above: <br />A. About Right, given that even with nine members we rarely have all nine members there. <br />However, if there is a move to standardize commission size I would support uniformity at seven. <br />2. Do you think the length of your term is <br />a. About Right? <br />b. Too Long? <br />c. Too Short? <br />Explanation, if you wish, about your choice above: <br />B. Too Long -- I have been on other volunteer boards with three year terms and we had the same problemyou <br />are having,,, always a couple of vacancies as things change in the lives of the commission members and their <br />families. Two years is a horizon more people can relate to. <br />3. Do you agree with a limit of two terms? <br />Or would you prefer no term limit? <br />Or would you prefer some term limit greater than two terms? <br />Explanation, if you wish: <br />Here's my idea. Commission terms are at this time limited to a total of six years. How about <br />keeping the total number of years limit but having it comprised of three terms at two years each. <br />P& R commissioners tend to stay for a long time so you would still have the experience of the <br />longer term members if you did the total of six years/three terms scheme. <br />4. Regarding the reappointment process, do you think the City Council <br />should re-interview sitting commission members who seek reappointment, and <br />then evaluate those sitting commission members for reappointment along with <br />new applicants for that commissionposition? <br />Well, that's a toughie! It depends on your stomach for politicizing the commission. I think you can maintain a finro <br />tier system with the commission members simply expressing a desire to be reappointed and possibly making a <br />written application or letter of interest. <br />�Is there any other input you would like to provide the City Council about <br />the commission re-appointment process? <br />1 l�! �� <br />