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Page 2 of 2 <br />5. For the Public Works and Transportation Commissioners, do you think <br />your commission could or should address environmental issues not currently <br />being handled by the Parks and Recreation or Planning Commissions? <br />Why or why not? <br />6. Is there any other information you would like to give the City <br />Council about Roseville's citizen advisory commissions? <br />In regards to the potential of developing an Environmental Committee... Yes, many of these issues are covered in <br />part by P& R and PW & T commissions. I think presenting a matrix of where the interests intersect, along with <br />other city functions, could help clarify whether an expansion to another commission is necessary. An <br />Environmental Committee runs the risk of being more policitized that any other city commission. <br />Thanks for asking my opinion. I always have one! <br />--�- Sarah Brodt Lenz <br />Parks and Recreation Commissioner <br />L L r i �r'�(�(�� <br />