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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 12/06/2004 <br />Item No: <br />DepartmP.nt Approval: Manager Approved: Agenda Section: <br />��' <br />TNT Hearing <br />Item Description: Truth-in-TaxationHearing on the 2005 Pr�poso� Tax Levy and Budget <br />Background <br />MN State Statute 275.065 requires all cities with a population of 500 or greater to hold a public <br />hearing to consider the following year's tax levy and budge�. The purpose of this `Truth-in- <br />Taxation' (TNT) Hearing is to provide an opportunity for t�e public to comment and make <br />recommendations on the City's spending decisions. <br />The TNT process involves up to three separatemeetings as folllows: <br />L� The Initial Hearing is provided to allow City Officialsi to present the proposed levy and <br />budget to the public and to hear public comment, ques�tions and recommendations. The <br />City may hold the initial hearing on the night of a r���,��tl�r scheduled meeting; however, <br />the City should convene the hearing and adjourn to �ndu�t � regular council meeting. <br />�� If the initial hearing is not sufficient for all public comment and further discussion is <br />warranted, a Continuation Hearing can be held. Ag�in, the City should convene the <br />hearing and adjourn to conduct the regular council meeting (if applicable). <br />�� The official adoption of the final levy and budget must �ccur at the Subsequent Hearing. <br />The separation of the public comment hearings (init' and continuation) is intended to <br />allow time for the City Council to carefully consider an possibly incorporate the concerns <br />or issues raised by taxpayers. <br />Tonight's meeting serves as the Initial Hearing. At the con�lusion of the hearing, if no further <br />discussion is needed, the City Council may waive the �:nntinw,ti�n Hearing, and move forward <br />to the Subsequent Hearing scheduled for Monday, L��r��r �t�, 2004, at which time the <br />Council will adopt the 2005 Tax Levy and Budget. <br />Required Presentation <br />At the TNT Hearing, City Officials are required t� p�t � overview of the tax levy, budget, <br />and budget impact on taxpayers. In accordance vrilh tl�i� r�quir�m�nt, Staff will make a brief <br />presentation, and invite all interested parties to �r�b�ni t�mm�n� ar ir�y uirr� An overview of <br />the tax levy and proposed budget is included below. <br />
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