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City of Roseville <br />City Council 2001 <br />✓ General Goals <br />Budget Objectives and Goals <br />• New programs and efforts are expected to provide a tangible and measurable value to the community. <br />� Adequate consideration shall be given to ongoing costs of added programs, infrastructure and facilities. <br />♦ The Cii shall leverage resources and technology where applicable to reduce costs, and to improve or <br />maintain service. <br />♦ Continued performance measurement and benchmarking of both new and existing City operations shall be <br />included within the budgeting process. <br />✓ Infrastructure Goals <br />♦ The 2001 budget shall contain the necessary resources to bring a proposed Centre Cii plan to the Ciis <br />residents for their referendum consideration <br />• Cii efforts in transportation improvements for residents and workers in the community shall be strongly <br />encouraged. <br />• The Cii shall provide continued support for community housing improvement. <br />♦ The Ciis infrastructure maintenance programs including the related planning and development (Streets, <br />pathways, parks, utilities, equipment) are to be continued <br />✓ S@NIC@ Goals <br />♦ Full use of technology to provide citizens with value- added information and transactional capabilii. <br />♦ Service systems in all departments will be considered in light of a changing population base, smaller <br />employment pools and technological availability. <br />♦ The emphasis has been on strengthening our neighborhoods and the budget needs to not only reflect the <br />neighborhood, but also recognize the community as a whole is a neighborhood. <br />✓ Performance Goals <br />♦ A hiih level of citizen satisfaction of the Ciis public services shall be maintained. <br />• A continuing review of city services and functions to eliminate programs no longer needed or desired by <br />the community and to include new services which may be desired by the citizens. <br />♦ Collaboration, innovation, and cooperation among departments, other cities and schools are highly valued <br />and efforts will continue to be encouraged and supported. The City will work to include a number of ways <br />such cooperative efforts can be improved and expanded. <br />• PropeltV Tax Goals <br />♦ Budget 2001 will provide for a levy increase at or below the rate of inflation (Currently inflation is at 2.7%) <br />