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Mr.Thomsa Paechke <br />Aprill3, 2000 <br />Page 2 <br />5. The 41' heiglrt of the sduc.ture soans to be Quite luge w�il it becomea c,le�r tbat the DNR <br />n�ethod £or detacmiaing the height of �ures di�ers Erom the nwti�od of tba City. Using <br />the DNR nnethod tUe propoaod �u�re v 2S' in heig� �d well undex the 30' haghrt limit <br />required bY the City ofRpeCVille S�orel�nd Ordinence. <br />6. Tha�e wsa no topographic infonnstic�n on the plans for the Youngquist Property.Should <br />thec� be Wuffa or �p alopa an the property, tlren the provisiona list�d'w Section 18.050.6 <br />of the Shordand Ordinu�ce siiould be foUovved by the City of R�scviik. <br />7. According to DNR records, the 1% flood for Lake Owasgo (100-year flood) is at an <br />elevation of 888.97 feet (NGVD,1929). Section 18.050.1 of the Roae�viUe Shordand <br />Ordinance requires ne�vv sduc,tures to hsve lowe�st kvds at least 2' above the 1% 800d. <br />1'herefore, tlx: home proposed by the Youngquist's must be above an elevation of 890.97 <br />(NGVDj 1929). <br />Ttwnk you for asldng the DNR to review these pl�nr. You m�y have noticod tlwt the comments <br />on the Youngquist Propdty are based upon the Shoreland Ordinance of the City of Ros�ville. The <br />DNR cau use nwre atxingait atandarda to rCVi�w plana should y�ou cver explicitly roquest a atringent <br />rtviCw. In additioq the DNR would be happy to he�p the City of Rosoville anra�d the Shonaland <br />o►�inancx of the City of Rosaville if you wish to tighten up section� of the Ordin��ce. <br />Aa you roquested, the pl�ws for the Yowigquist Project are e�closed with t6is �. Pleasecontact <br />me at 651-772-7910 should you have any questions concerning thesecomments. <br />�� <br />�_ � <br />Joseph Ric,hter <br />Hydrologist <br />Enclosure <br />c: Grass Lake Water Manage�na�t d�z�tio-� <br />