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May 1Z. 2000 <br />Pa�ge 2 oj4 <br />The site will have two driveway access points. BothdrivesareoffofCentrePointe <br />Drive; �e on tbe scxrth, and one on the north tb�t is a shued drive with the office <br />building on t6e noith. T6e site co�ains a paved siufa�e p�rlung lot with 15b spaces. The <br />front �e has a cowed porto-cochere for guest drop-off and pick-up. ��site <br />sidew�tics wiU cc�rnnax to both t6e street sidewalks �i t6e wslking p�tfis within the <br />pr� dCVelopment. The courtynrd within tbe l�kyud of the building is a scrmened <br />with a wsil and co�uns fenced a l�uge pstio snd hesvily laadscaped ,grounds. The rest of <br />the site is.�l;ao besvily landscaped sgd mlintsine� as well. <br />Tha atcu� i� drae �bor� ia l�eight with � pitched ro� E�t�ior n�ariats �►i11 include <br />brick, EI�S;, �asa, a�h thingll,a � t4e high r+ot� aud �cbng s�aa me�ttal on tl�c low <br />roo�: The bei�� �ed'B� � will be simi}u aad c�a�apli�► to th� a�n�ounding <br />b�ilding� withie �e etevebpmtnt. <br />If the proja;t is spproved uid a11 �es as P1aar►ed, it ia anticipated thst con�truction would <br />stut this :� and would be open in late spring of 2001. <br />cora�uy, <br />iu.x-x�t�, �a. <br />V�. <br />Joseph M. San�uel, P.�. <br />Pro�nal Engineer <br />H y 5.12.00 Vaitas�-Raeevilladoc <br />