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Excer�t of Minutes, Plannin� Commission meeHn� of Mav 10, 2000: <br />6f. Plannin� File 3208: A request by CSM Corporation to amend the <br />Centre Pointe Planned Unit Development Agreement (No.2880) for <br />a modification allowing a third hotel within the PUD limits. The <br />parcel is located south of the existing Veritas Software structure. <br />8 Chair Klausing opened the hear= �g and requested Dermis Welsch to provide a <br />9 verbal summary of the request as describea m the staff report dated May 10, 2000. <br />lo Dennis Welsch provided background and explained building, parking and traffic <br />11 issues. <br />12 <br />13 Chair Klausing asked for details for the amendment process. <br />14 <br />15 Kent Carlson, Ryan Companies, explained the proj ects completed to date in the <br />16 Centre Pointe Business Park. He explained the Veritas growth plan for the site <br />17 and Veritas' request for additional hotel space to house their trainees and business <br />18 clients. <br />19 <br />2o David Carland, Vice President CSM, explained the proposal, noting that CSM <br />21 also owns the adjacent Residence Inn. Veritas has pre-negotiated to reserve <br />22 rooms. Marriott Courtyard is a first class hotel for business users. He explained <br />23 the site plan and the shared spillover parking with adjacent Veritas Building 1. <br />24 Elevations of the Hotel were described. <br />25 <br />26 Member Rhody explained that his firm does work for CSM's Consultant, RLK, <br />27 and noted that his firm may run some copies. It is not a major financial issue. He <br />28 has found that this relationship will not impair his judgment on the issue. The <br />29 Planning Commission agreed with Member Rhody. <br />30 <br />31 Chair Klausing asked why the change in circumstances. Kent Carlson explained <br />32 the original buildings on the south side were office showroom buildings. The <br />33 change to Veritas has created a demand for a business class restaurant. The hotel <br />34 site was first considered as an office site. <br />35 <br />36 Member Wilke asked about the added value generated in the community. <br />37 <br />38 Member Cunningham asked for Veritas plans — a total of four buildings in the <br />39 Business Park. <br />40 <br />41 John Zavada, Ramada 1M Genera' Manager, stated that the 40 jobs will be a <br />42 break even, a loss at one hotel is a gain at another. He stated that the Roseville <br />43 Visitor's Association (RVA) has figures for occupancy. In 1999 the revenue <br />44 dropped 4% in Roseville. Why is there no restaurant in the Business Park? <br />45 <br />