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MAYA GUIDE�TOINSURANCE COVERAGE IN CITY CONTRACTING P.11 <br />Insurance Waiver Process <br />It is possible to receive a wafver for certain kinds of Insurance if the City Risk Management Office considers a wa'nrer to be <br />appropriate. To request a��, ptease send an E-mail or memo to Risk Management (Gary Levin or Ellen Velasco- <br />Thompson) thatidentifles; <br />1. The name of the contractor <br />2. The scope of services for the contract <br />3. If there are any contrador employees (this does not include owners) <br />4. Which specfic Insurance co+rerage(s) you want waived <br />5. Any further clarifying information you beC�eve Risk Management needs in order to determine if a waiver is appropriate <br />Risk Management will review the materials and possibly cornact you for further information. If they approve the waiver, <br />they will send you a Riik Management Waiir Form with X's indicated for the areas they are waiving. The language ne�d <br />to the X is the language that should be typed into the contract itself under the appr+opriate paragraph for that type of <br />insurance. When you submit your contract to Contract Management, you will need to attach a copy of the Risk <br />Management Waiver Form. <br />The following are possible situations where a waiver may be appropriate: <br />• An indiival who is a contrador may receive a Workers Compensation insurance waiver, as there are no employees <br />that need Workers Compensation insurance. <br />• A partnership that is a contrador may receive a Workers Compensation insurance waiver, as there are no employees <br />, that need Worke�s Compensation insurance. <br />. An i�dividual who is a contrador may receive an Auto Liability insurance waiver, as the indiival wiU not be using any <br />velucle while working on the contracx. <br />• An indiuidual who is a contractor may receivs an Auto Liability insurance waiver if the�individual's personal auto <br />insurance coveragesufFiaeMlyaddressesthe risk. You will need to get either a) a copy of the personal insurance <br />deck page that identifies specific coverage levels and the name(s) of the insured or b) a letter from the insurance <br />agent that states the contrador has an endorsement far auto insurance coverage when the auto is used for business <br />purposes. A copy of the insurance card is not acceptable. <br />• A professional firm that would typically require Professional Liability insurance may recei+� a waiver if the work being <br />done for the speciftc contraci is not "protessionaP work. An example would be an engineering firm that is contraded <br />with to couM car usage on a spec�fic bridge. <br />Prepared by Lea l.a�'60� I11 COIIJUI1Ct1011 wilh Rqk Mafligen►ent�evised6�l'98 <br />