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MAY 31 '00 07�51 <br />INSUrR.A1�CE W'AI'V�R. <br />Personal Auto Used for Business Purposes <br />If you are seeking a waiver from th�requirement for Commercial Au�omobik Yn�nce for aoontractor, <br />theayou s�►ould getaletter from the contractor'siasvrancea�ent.'I'helettd'should Saythat the <br />con�actnr's Personal Auto Policy covas the individual's "business pursvits" or "incidental business <br />usage"forservias they are providiag to the C'tty of M'ianeapolis under thetecros Of the�ontract. <br />P.14 <br />A leuer on aa ins�uance agent's letterhead should be sent to the contracdng depattment with 8 fotmat and <br />laogtta6e similar to this: <br />�7ate <br />�ityof Minnes�polisCo�tactPersonorContractNlonitor <br />ityofl�nueapolis (Nameof Department), <br />4,ddress <br />Ninncapolis, MN. ssa_ <br />Deaz (City ofMianea�olis Contact Person o r Contract Monitor): <br />Please be informed ti�at: <br />NameoiContiactor(Individual,Parmersltip,Corporation) <br />Addtess of C.oAa�u�r <br />Cl, Stau and Zip Code <br />Holds a Personal Automobile Policy with (Name oftnsurance Company). <br />Under this policy, (Name ofC6nRac�or) is corcared for eitlter "business pursuits" or "incidental business <br />usage" relatod to tbC US C Of his/her own personal auto in peoviding services to the City Of M'ianeapolis. <br />If you bave a� questions, please �11 me at (Phone Number of Agent) <br />Siaccrely, <br />(Sig�oatu�e oY Agene) <br />(Typad Name of Agene) <br />� <br />A4Tpyy�y,ppG <br />