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REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />D A T E: 06/27/00 <br />ITEM NO: L- 2 <br />�t Approval: er Approved: Agenda Section: <br />> �. <br />' a- LAND USE <br />_ _ _ ____ _ _ _-_---- <br />Item Description: Charles McCann setback variance for property located at 685 Grandview <br />Avenue (PF3213). <br />1.0 REQUESTED ACTION <br />11 Charles McCann is requesting a 12-foot variance from Section 703.04 of the City Code to <br />reduce the required driveway access point setback (adjacent to St. Albans Street) from 30 <br />feet to 18 feet. <br />2.0 BACKGROUND <br />2.1 Mr. McCann owns the property located at 685 Grandview Avenue. The property is <br />zoned R-1, Single Family Residential, and the Comprehensive Plan identifies the <br />property as Low Density Residential. <br />2.2 The City's Pavement Management Program and the reconstruction of Grandview Avenue <br />have prompted the variance request. <br />2.3 The proposed reduction of this setback would enable Mr. McCann to retain his driveway <br />in its current location. <br />Code Reauirement Current Location Annlicant Reauest Variance Reauired <br />30 feet 18 feet 18 feet 12 feet <br />3.0 STAFF COMiYIENT <br />3.1 Section 703.C4B(4) requires a minimum driveway access point (apron) setback from a <br />street corner of 30 feet. Based on the proposal a variance is necessary to allow the <br />existing driveway to remain. <br />3.2 Section 10 13.02 requires the applicant to demonstrate a physical hardship and to <br />demonstrate that no practical alternatives exist that would reduce the need for a variance. <br />3.3 The City's Pavement Management Program and the reconstruction of Grandview Avenue <br />has required NIr. McCann to apply for a variance if he wants to keep his driveway apron <br />in its current location. <br />PF32 13 — RCA (062600) Page 1 of 2 <br />