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3.4 Under current policy the City would not require Mr. McCann to comply with the 30 <br />setback. The City would allow the driveway to remain until such time as it were <br />proposed for reconstruction or the roadway (as in this case) was to be reconstructed. <br />3.5 Requiring the driveway access point to be adjusted in any capacity would require <br />unnecessary modifications to the existing driveway as it extends to the garage. <br />3.6 The proposed variance, if granted, will not adversely affect the public health, safety, or <br />general welfare, provided standards/conditions are attached to insure that redevelopment <br />of the site is completed in accordance with the plans proposed by the applicant. <br />4.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />4.1 Based on the findings outlined in Section 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of this project report, staff <br />recommends approval of the request for a variance from Section 703.04B(4) of the City <br />Code, to reduce the require driveway setback for property located at 685 Grandview <br />Avenue from 30 feet to 18 feet or a 12 foot variance. <br />5.0 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION <br />5.1 On June 14, 2000 the Roseville Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding <br />Mr. McCann's request for a 12 foot variance. At this hearing, no citizen addressed the <br />Commission expressing opposition to the request. The Planning Commission had no <br />specific questions or concerns with the request and voted (7-O) to recommend approval of <br />the 12 foot setback variance from Section 703.04B(4) to allow the McCann driveway to <br />remain within 18 feet from the property line (comer lot). <br />6.0 SUGGESTED CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />6.1 By resolution, approve (deny) the Charles McCann request for a 12 foot setback variance <br />based on the findings located in Section 3.2, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of this project report. <br />Attachments: Property iocation map; site plan indication driveway; and resolution. <br />60-day Time Limit: City initiated application accepted for June 12, 2000 Planning Commission consideration and <br />June 26, 2000 City Council action. <br />Prepared by: Th.omas Paschke (490-2236) <br />PF3213 - RCA (062600) Page 2 of 2 <br />