Laserfiche WebLink
agreed that Owner in no way guarantees to Lessee non-interference to the <br />operation of Lessee's equipment. Owner will use its best efforts to notify other <br />users of interference, and to coordinate elimination of interference among site <br />users. If Lessee clearly demonstrates the primary cause of the interference to be <br />the property of Owner of another user, Owner will notify the other user to <br />eliminate the interference within 24 hours or cease using the equipment causing <br />the interference. <br />c) Prior to adding additional transmitter or receiver frequencies on the Premises, <br />Lessee agrees to notify the Owner of the modified frequencies so that the Owner <br />can perform the necessary interference studies to insure that the modified <br />frequencies will not cause harmful radio interference to other e�sting premises <br />leases. Lessee will be required to pay the reasonable costs for said study which <br />will be performed by Owner's registered professional communications engineer. <br />In the alternative, Lessee may perform the interference studies and submit the <br />results to the City. However, the City, in its sole discretion, shall retain the right <br />provided herein to submit the study results to its registered professional <br />communications engineer for review at Lessee's expense. <br />d) Lessee shall be solely responsible for any taxes on its personal property. <br />9. Maintenance. <br />a) Lessee shall, at its own expense, maintain any equipment on or attached to the <br />Property in a safe condition, in gcod repair, aesthetically pleasing, and in a <br />manner suitable to Owner so as not to conflict with the use or other lease of the <br />property by Owner. <br />b) Lessee shall have sole responsibility for the maintenance, repair, and security of <br />its tower, equipment, personal property, Antenna Facilities, and leasehold <br />improvements, and shah keep the same in good repair and condition during the <br />Lease term. <br />c) Lessee must keep the property free of debris or anything of a dangerous, noxious <br />or offensive nature or which would create a fire or other hazard, undue vibration, <br />heat or noise, interference, etc. <br />10. Prot�ertv Access. <br />a) Lessee, at all times during this Lease, shall have vehicle ingress and egress over <br />the Property by means of the existing access, subject to notice requirements to <br />Owner as set forth in Section (b) below. <br />b) Lessee, at all times during this Lease, shall have access to the Property in order to <br />install, operate, and maintain its Antenna Facilities. Lessee or its employees, <br />