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Community Technology Policy <br />PURPOSE <br />With the explosive growth in computer and related technology, it is of critical importance that the Citizens <br />of Roseville not be excluded from the benefits that access to intemet communications and information can <br />accrue. <br />It is the intent of this Policy, to establish that the City Council of the City of Roseville, recognizes the <br />importance of emerging technology and will make every effort to assure that the citizens of Roseville have <br />reasonable access and service where technically feasible and financially viable. <br />SCOPE <br />The scope of this policy to include a wide range of technologies. Those technologies may consist of a <br />combination of existing infrastructure and the use of new and developing infrastructure. The City will <br />strive is to keep up-to-date and current as is reasonably possible in knowing what applications may exist. <br />The City will additionally review the potential and available resources which may be needed to provide <br />better public service and community access. <br />POLICY <br />The City of Roseville will strive to provide an ever-improving system of public safety and service. In the <br />current environment of growing technology options, the City will explore and find those systems or <br />providers of systems, which will: <br />. Provide current service atbettervalue <br />• Explore the potential to provide improved ways of providing basic city services in ways which will <br />enhance and better protect the community <br />. Allow the citizens of Roseville to continue to have technology access to the intemet regarding <br />information and communications <br />IMPLEMENTATION <br />The City will work with other communities, public entities and applicable private parties to search out, <br />review, fund and implement where feasible, any new technology or application of current technology <br />which would fulfill the above stated technology policy of the City of Roseville. <br />