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FAIRVIEW COMMUNITY CENTER AGREEMENT <br />CO PY <br />A n A g r e e m e n t d a t e d t h i s day of , 2000, by and between the Independent S chool <br />District No. 623, Roseville, Minnesota, a public school district, hereinafter called "School" and the City <br />of Roseville, Minnesota, hereinafter called "Roseville". <br />WITNES SETH: <br />Whereas, Roseville will reconstruct the Fairview Community Center driveway from County <br />Road B to County Road B and easterly parking lot, hereinafter called the "City Proj ect"; and <br />Whereas, Roseville, with input from the School, has completed plans and specifications for <br />the Fairview Community Center's driveway and easterly parking lot, and <br />Whereas, Roseville has prepared plans and specifications and will construct parking lo(; <br />improvement that conform with the requirements of City of Roseville zoning code; and <br />Whereas, Roseville will take bids for the project, prepare an abstract of bids and cost <br />participation summary, award a contract and pay the contractor for the work performed to <br />construct the City Project. <br />NOW. THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE SCHOOL AND <br />ROSEVILLE AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. Upon award of a construction contract, Roseville shall perform or contract the <br />performance of construction inspection and administration. <br />2. The construction and engineering cost of the City Project is estimated to be $188,154, all <br />of which will be assessed to the School in 2001 over a period not to exceed 15 years at an <br />interest rate of 7%. <br />3. The School shall reimburse Roseville for the actual preliminary engineering and design <br />costs needed to prepare plans and specifications for the City Project. This amount is <br />estimated not to exceed $10,000 and is included in the total cost listed above. <br />4. Upon final completion of the work, Roseville will prepare a final cost participation <br />breakdown based on the completed construction contract. <br />5. The School shall be responsible for all future maintenance of all items constructed under <br />the contract. <br />6. The School and Roseville agree to indemnify each other and hold each other harmless <br />from any and all claims, causes of action, lawsuits, judgements, charges, demands, costs, <br />and expenses, including, but not limited to, interest involved therein and attorneys' fees <br />and costs and expenses connected therewith, arising out of or resulting from the failure of <br />either party to satisfy the provisions of this Agreement-or for damages caused Lo fourth <br />parties as a result of the manner in which the School or Roseville perform or fail to <br />perform duties imposed on each party by the terms of this Agreement. Nothing herein <br />shall constitute a waiver by either party of the limits or liability provided by Minnesola <br />Statutes, Chapter 466 or other applicable law. <br />