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Anoka-Henne�in Technical College EXHIBIT "A" <br />Custonrited Trai�ing Services, Fire Fighter Program � <br />COURSE DESCRIPTIONS <br />,wv�►rccEn rv� or�unoNs <br />Smdp� wp� iqrn the v�lue of large dianeter hose md proper use of equipment to su{rply lar�e volumes of w�ter, muldple hose lina, md tandem pumping. Hmds�on field <br />opa�tioas. /�) Hydr�ulies: SNdmts wiil review bacic hydrwiics, rel�y pumPing, md larn �dvmoed skills, wner movemem and ltow. Course will involve clatsroom �nd <br />p�,p�; B�� dia�neoer hose md clevued tower wpply. Students will leam the vtlue of LDH tnd proper use otcquipmait m t�plY larje rolumes of wuer, ,n�i�;ae eo <br />ye� �od ta�o pmr�pb�. Course wili i�rvotve bodi dwroom �nd H�nds-on traioio�. Fdl t�noot �ar �eeded. <br />Loption: At�I'C or ma fue dep�rtments Totd �burs: 16 <br />AVfO EXTRIGT70N - <br />7ms ooirx i� Por aembers of firc dep�rtma�tc and racue sqwds wfio may be imotved in vehide are�aetion. 7bis course or�ns pasonnel 'a+ toeae anesu�xnt and <br />sebitixrdoa of 6�volved vehicks and disentanple vietims usins prieury h�nd tools. F�A hno�t �ar. atery ere war. ��d �lovea �eeded. <br />Locuioo: AHI'C or arca 5rc deparnna�ts ToW Hours: 12 <br />L►31ClUll� OlERA110NS <br />7Lit eou�c b for F�re aPP�r+tus Ope�ors. 7bis co�rse oove� Pump Maiatenmce: Gne. me. and m�a otpaopa appar�tus. � �tudent a <br />Pie�atiw �i1i�a�leo�.�dpe� ay�ion�, npoett �sd �eooRd loee�. Fire (iround HydnWia: Inooduop �tude�t b MdrnaN�is �b�drauliet, �tu aPP�ie:. �v�ter <br />11a�� �od b�rdr�Wie tams. Firc Pump 7'hcory' I�sidd�0utside: lutro�uoa wdaus b proper we otpmnp p�rts �ed a�oessoria (stKin� wive. relief vdve, P��• �M�P <br />ii4 ek.) Aho ieduda iimds On Evolutions: a) DrtlW� �nd W�ter Jdtia�, b) Reoonnectod Hose lays, c) Vdva (l.oa�/Short Hoie Lry Siawlt�ous� d) Su�ini md/ar <br />Tr�oekr Y�lve C�chy Tumpint. F�U ano�t Ear �ecdcd. <br />i.oa�n: �trrc a��� ra.� �: i2 <br />sa►u �►�s <br />7Lis oou��e i� for al! Fmorja►cY Porsonnd. This eowse de�ls wid� procedures, �e�rch tecMiqua and p�aaa:, explosive devia dano�aation, post blast proadurcs and <br />S.O.P.'�, l.oation: AHTC or ares fue de�rm►aits Totai Hours. 6 <br />CAR'O�Ai MONOXIDE ALARI►fS AND DETECfION <br />This ooase wr81 piep�rs tAe Fhst Responder m ideeqilj� CO ( carbou monoxide) and its harxds and how OO detcetora wack. Alw oovered wiil bc taponse proadwa �nd <br />�ppoa�d� Brhq yoer monitorin� tquipment �nd lam bow W monitat io� 00 utint lroiu equipment. <br />_ Loculon: AHTC a mea fltc depatrne� ToW Hou�s: 3 <br />C�ONFUUED STACE EN7'RY, TESTDVG AND RESCUE <br />'ILis �ouese p�ep�res iodumial and Emer�rnry Penomiel for eatry into finedlha�ardous spaoes f� the purpose of inspeaion, m�nlaaea. rep�ir or roscue. 'I1�Is �ourse vw <br />oovers �peddhed equipmpN and tadniques needed w e!!'ect a safe racue 5om confiercd spaces. Swdents will karn methods of taW j md aulyzin= atrnosphercs in oan- <br />Ssed �poes as weli at aita�i� for rnery based on stue and fWaai safety re=uluions. Swdents will tlw petieipau ia bmds on exercita involvint simul�tM rescue �oaurioc. <br />l�ee�6on: -Al�PC or �rea !Le depaunents ToW Houes: 9 <br />i�tE ailECTOR t (sASiC� <br />7bis oo�ee is aai�eA tn �tve �ne saae�+c . ba�ic kve� or�.�aasmwing ornK �als .nd oejeetives or Poe pRVauion. M aeeicioo 1he oo�se aa�: witn the rue .na Bk <br />�dety reqdremeees found � statewide fue and buUding ooda �nd acqwints the sd�dent with �ome otthe iechoiul � o[16e p�o�lioa &�daes [ound in <br />baiidb�t. Mucb of the aoiatt will tenter on the applicable Kquiranenta which ate found in drc Minnesota Unifatn Firt Codt �nd St�e Bnildia� Code. la additan. <br />� wW be pl�oed an the inspeaon conduct, im�e. �d demanor. This course it Aesi� for aqry kvel 8rc pievanioa personnel a petsons who ue interested <br />is a potilion in �e pevauion, �peetiun. and fire code enfotcement <br />Loo�tioa: AIif�C a� uea tire dep�ru� Toql Ho�os: 30 <br />1�RE II�TECI'OR II <br />ibit o01rx COVe1s ma�e �dvanced Sre inspection ta6ni9ucs. �pecW Nd tartet hatvds� code enfotrefneM prooe�dures and bluepdet radi�. P�etcmtitile: Fiee lnspeetion t <br />Lot�tioo: AHTC � area Poe d��xnts ToW Hours: 30 <br />FDtE OFFKSA D RREREQqISITE: FDtE OFFICER n <br />A eaMiowBo� dFire t)Aiar t. iaomded 16� Mt kvei and hiiher &e ogicas. 7Ws oaase loeluda devdopme� of �ods �nd objeaives tor olHoas and thei� Poe depro�aes <br />toation: AHTC or ma fue departina� ToW Ho�s: 32 <br />HAZ�ARDOtIa MATERIALS OTERATIONAL LEVEL I <br />'[bit oo��e i� dai�aed b piepae the soudeot to bt able eo pafam the oompeteoeia laid ont ia lbe NiTA 472 oompekeey �ndrd torht=. m�ts. bicidau �sponse. This <br />aooiu lYlQlb We OSliA �equba�mec fot Ihis kvel dt6e 14I0.120 role. <br />- ieptlos: AM�Ca a�ea iie Aep�bne� ToW Hoir::10 <br />BAZMDOUS MA7'ERtA1.S'tECi�IICIAN <br />n� oowe � rat�eaw p� � a� w�.� a P«ro� � wa o�e � dK rrErA 4n oo� a.� ro.e.�aou� �s �ia�e �. <br />ni� �o.oe m101� dK oSl�+ re�ema� �r n�is kvd of ine 191 oa 20 nde. .. <br />Loc�tio�: A�fi�C a a�a bs�remmb Toed tio�x 36 <br />ICE 1E�L11E , _ . - , _ <br />ne.�.� or� ciw.�� � o� �.�.�a �y.�e �onroa � oaa.�.oa � �«. ro�« ��aoa �► a� eoas� �i e�: •� «.� xir� <br />ti�s, + ioe raac�pmeat,'-dypomaa�i. - its eff�S.nA tr�a�a� • arorvn6� i►kqai ednvbr. • eow ia h is neva afe, • bow to eeoo�niu the <br />�t iypes_dia,' Daw to we oold wata wd diamal p�ot�ioa su�. • oo� w�r and ks re�ue tahniques. haequkbes: Be a hbik S�Atty OAioer iEMT. fke <br />Fi�er. Fdio� Onieer. Sheriff":Otlioe, Ci�me ! Fid� Onioer. Mc Rai�er. F�e.) Be �bk to swim 100 y�s wfiUe ��!'FD hel�et and �I p�o�eaion wh. <br />Cd� Nhhr ltenu Sdt �eeded. Loc�tioa: AHI'C or m 8ee Oeprdnents ToW Hours: 20 <br />aSTRiJCTIONAt. TECi�11QUES FOR COMPAM' OFFICERS <br />����� ��f P�� �Y kvel or smatl unit fninin�. 7Le empbasis of d�is oanse k Iad�nt pr�la �pWkabk w�-servia fo� <br />�ed te�arc �atfa skitb trainin{. This cotvse mats seteeted objeaiva olNPQS 1041, Fire Servia l�nauetor Pro6essioa�l Qwlitie�tions Snndard, Levei l. This Course <br />ooree� oo�oe�lt � a�lt lamio�, tr�io� objeWva �ad kuon �, methods ot �ion and �ad� �eMiqnes. l� inQ ev�lo�tion. NfA Catifiation �iven. <br />Loafion: Ai�!'C or area 8re depaMrcata TatN tbursc 12 <br />