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MANAGII�IGCOIM�ANI'TACtICAL OPERATIONS:TACI7CS <br />'lUis in.depth eourse ex�mines rescueand ventilation, confuKmeet md extinguishment, water supply, atposurcs md defensive operations. �nd salvage. overhaul, and <br />q�ppoR. Thit ooune 000cluda •x�� . majorfiresimulationactivity. <br />Loation: A�TI'C a area fue department� ToW Hours:12 <br />MANAG�IG COA�ANY TACI7CAL OPERATIONS: COMMAND DECISION MAKING <br />This ppur7e ex�miMS the cr"itical elements of sitwtion assessment �nd decision making fOr struCtuni fireftghtin� operations. Key contentincludes the command sequcna; <br />fiu up (wAh a p�Riculu foCUS on fire behavior prediction); asxssment of resource requirements; critical, strateQic,and tactical decisions; �nd action plauning. <br />I,peatioa: AHfC or area tire deparOments Total Hours: 12 <br />M�VNESOTA INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM <br />Thit o0lute is detip�ed for Fi[e FMS, Law Enforament,Public Works, Cii Officials �nd Utility C�evvs. This ool�se provides dle tools to be abit to llandle rssponse tp <br />�idmts amed by fires, floods, arthquaka, wmados, riots, htzvdous m�teriais or other natural or humm uused incidents. <br />1,pption: AH7C ar :es Sre departrnents Tou! Hours:l2 <br />MOBII.E H011� FIitE ATTACK <br />This oo�e is for dl Fi�e Suvice Persoanel, la this eaurse the sad�nt vv�l be �ivm IMe laast methods of attack �nd iescue opa�tio�u iovolvin� nabile home saucdves. <br />7be studans aiU 6ave aa opportuniry to work with a mobile lame type strucwrc in this oo�nse. Fdi tvso�t �ar asd SCBA �ecded, <br />i.ocation: AHTC or arca fm depar�nents TaW Hours. 6 <br />TyETA iNl i'DtE FIGH'fER 1 <br />This oou�fe it dqi�ned !or tlrc enby kvei fae li�hta. OSHA �d NFPA 1103 �andras w�ill be �dd�es�ed ia the firri Oortion of Ibe dass. NFPA i 001 Fire F'Khter ! <br />w� be �ddres�sd io 9�b oourse. 71iis oomse b�c ban a�d by tiamePin Tadaical Coile�e Depee Fropam• <br />I,oc�tioo: A�iPC a aeea fire de.p�raneMS ToW Hours: 112 <br />NFPA 1N/ FntE FIGHTER II <br />7h� aou��t it de�ed to 1ead� drc swdent the neass�ry slcills to perform the basic dutia oifine S�htin= includi►u the Nwt�y s p:ocx.•sa nsed w dccEd� the operations ta <br />do. lbis �vW ioelude tht dutia of specidizod rcscue, building eonswction, md fire qute defamin�tion. Also hardous materiais (Opentional) will be oovered 'm this <br />oo�cse. 't1� eoirse has Eeai accepud bY Han�ePin Technical Collete Depa Pro�aen. Praequisite: Firefi�hter I <br />Loatiot►: Al�TfC or arca fire depaAments Total Hourt: 68 <br />NFIA FIItE OFFICER I <br />Fbe ORioa 1�daessa dK NFPA 1021 snndard,1992 edition. This 40 Mour oouee of instructia� is dai�ned w heip drc ooa�ny offiaa ootnnund the initi�l tesponse <br />apdtpaqa�ea�unerousaspectsassociatedwiththedailyopentionsofdrclitecompany. Specialan�atisit�ivenbtheimplemdM�tionrndappliqbilityoftheincident <br />Caauomd System. Topia include: •Rok of 6te o87ar,'Fire o�oer's responsibility in facin= wmplima, • Acamtability iswes. • Mmyi afety �nd wdloess of fire <br />servia� ,• �ty mana`ement,'Public tire safety edue�tion,'Propeuive discipline �nd perfonnana �ppraisds.'Buildin� aoll�pse, • Fri twx determin�tion, <br />� Q 111u�uJ't ��eo�naiunication slcills, •Ineidart aortuaand system. <br />Loaeion: A}f [+C or ara fm d�povaeats Totai }burs: 40 <br />MTA II�EM' SAFETY OFFICER <br />'t�s ooiru auimiaa the Safery Offiar's role at aner�y Rsponse situations. A specific focus on opec�tions within �n ineida�t oonuntnd system as � tafety offioer is <br />a m�in �.'[Ue p�ticipant will be able w identify �nd a�ulyu safety c�ms as drcy relate w tllfiaraids sane evtluation, �nd oommwic�tt �coauna�ded sotut'ans <br />to tbe oommtod wdfority. This course is tor individwls who have a safety offiar responsibiliry x ana�enry opention tlwuions. Pusons mendinj his eoiase should <br />bwe a wa1cY� laowle�e oithc laeident Cooumad System as tw�ht by the NFA. buildiru eeastruaion pri�ipla, h�tardous autaials m�enKnt, appliable 1JF'PA <br />pridelioq �ad Pederd ro�uUtions. NFA CatiBe�tioa `ivea. <br />Loe+rios: Aif1'e «.roa sre aep�nrnts ronl tbues: 12 <br />NiTA 1.EADF�tSH� 1D: STRA?EGIES FOR S[JPERVISORY SUCCESS � <br />This oo�rye prnrida drc oompuiy offiar with the basic ladaship skills md tools to pertorm etfeaively in tAe fue �ervia eavirom�a�t 7bis oourse oovas wlKn md <br />hew to do We Lollowin`: dele�ale W wbordinues; assesa pasoml ladership styla U�rou�h siwatioml leadeeship: disciPline :ubordin�tes: and spply �oachins/motiv�ine <br />IxMiqua tor �e aon�pmy otfioer. <br />L,ac�eioa: Aiil'C a rea 6re dep�runa�ts ToW Ho�: 12 <br />IVtTA LEADERSHIP I: STRA7'EGIES FOR COMPANY SUC:CESS (iS-1) <br />This oo�r�e presea�s the oo�y olliar witd tbe basic leadasl�iP sldlls aad tools naded to paform e�tivdY ia t6e Poe urvioe emiro�rna�t. This oouese in�ludes: <br />���PP�� b P� ��t: �ri to idaaify md mas du aeeds of the oompmy o�ioer's wbord'ni�ta; mdhods tor tum�in� aKetinp e!!'ectively <br />in tbe �ne iavioe eaviomeot: �nd dccision-rnN�ioi �ills for 16e oomp�ny o�icer. <br />Loation: AHTC � ma fue de�m►rnts Tonl Hours: 12 <br />817tt)CTIIRAL C'Oi.1.ATaE RESGUE (B�ic ! 1.i�6t Opaation�l Level) <br />%me�eney Rpeue pnsomel. operatin= �t struedval ooll�se iocideats must 6m speeidi�ed trainiu�. Cae�pledoa otthis oo�use wdU e�ta swdaus arti8eues in the <br />��Q otiar tldll kvelt reoop�iud by NFPA �od FEMA. Cunne will be oondueted by in�wWts �vbo A�ve ooa�pleoed Stin�ral Coll�p�e Resctrc Specialist trainin` <br />at We FEMAA�AR tr�a� site at Texas A It M Unirasity. Fqdp�est Needed, urd Y�t K�d�et. �ila+ e�v�enlb. �oeh u� �sva. <br />Loatioa: AHfC or m Src dep�unmts ToW Hoios: l2 <br />317tlIC11JRAL OQLLAlSE RESCUE (Medimn ad Heavy Cantru�tion) <br />�� P�. aP�i �t �trueosal oo��pre iiddwtt �nwt bm specidixed trainioi. Coa�tioa of d�is oar�t will wn mdaus oatificaes in the <br />� dfonr ddll kvdt reaopdmed by NfPA ted FEMA. �Couise will be oonducted by i�onKtoes �rho �avt ooaqkted Sbue�nl Cdl�pse Resca SpecW ist.orainit� . <br />at lrc Ffl►1ANSAR tr�iaio� sioc at Tex�c A t M Uaiva:ity. E�Ip�at Necdcd, lurd iat or �d�et, � ewenpa, reets ud �lova. <br />l�oatioe: AM'C a res lire Aearoma� Totd iloirs: !2 <br />7'RENC�IG i 1�1G RL�SCtiE <br />Thp�d� Rawe prepra ane�ney �avias md lndusaW s�tety pasa�el to afbly �nd efXeaively �acue pa�ons �om � beneh ooll�qe a ave-in. This tninin` <br />000fonm b Fedeal OSHA Excavuioa Mmwl (29 CFR 1926). TAis ooutse will cover ptt>per positioair� ot�pp�nd�s, tratfic �nd erowd oontrol eonsidetuions, <br />y�{ �n �oa�rate site up, oontrolliag rescue 6mrds, m�cia� a tiench safe fa raoue. proper acau, �tabiliration ed ranoval of victim. <br />�t N�eded: Tvwot �ar or eoveralls, rad, eye, had aed toot proteedoe. <br />Loatioo: AHl'C ar area Src dep�ruaa�ts Tonl Hours: 12 <br />AAi'C wIM d o a�y of t6e above d�ssa is you r departe�eot, oo you r trainia` ti me - day or �i�6q mad wfll eeslomixe tbe el�s�a to fit you r�eeds. <br />We are also • vrikbk lor ia-bourLadership Chms for otticer tniainQ. *Group prices • vrilrbk -Cootset Dale Mas6np at 612•576-�989 <br />