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allowance. In Mr. Maser's case he is allowed a rear yard accessory building size <br />coverage of the lot of up to 1,200 square feet. <br />3.6 The parcel is approximately 18,295 square feet in size, allowing 5,489 square feet of <br />impervious area. NIr. Maser's proposal calls for a total impervious area of 4,204 square <br />feet, well within the 30% maximum coverage. <br />3. 7 The parcel contains numerous trees and large shrubs that will screen and break up the <br />detached accessory building from adjacent properties. <br />3.8 Conditions may be attached to the CUP that would mitigate the impact on adjacent <br />properties including such items as increased setbacks from property lines, landscape <br />screening, architectural color and design/materials details, drainage provisions, and <br />limiting additional exterior storage. <br />4.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff has determined the request for a conditional use permit by Richard Maser meets the <br />purpose and intent of the Roseville City Code, specifically, Section 10 13 .O 1 D and <br />11004.O1A. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit to allow <br />construction of a 1,008 square foot detached accessory building, based on the findings in <br />Section 3 and subject to the following conditions: <br />A. Impervious area coverage shall be limited to 5,489 square feet. <br />B. The proposed detached accessory building shall be a minimum of five feet from <br />the north and east property lines, and no closer than 30 feet to the south property <br />line. <br />C. All roof drainage created by the new structure must be collected in gutters and <br />channeled to the natural drainage way within the applicant's property (east and <br />south). <br />D. The exterior of the accessory building must be of similar color or material to that <br />of the principle structure. <br />E. Because of the size of the new structure (1,008 sq. ft.) no other accessory building <br />or tool shed may be permitted on the property. <br />F. The maximum height (as defined in Section 1004.01) shall be 15 feet. <br />G. The existing detached accessory structure and shed shall be moved off the site. <br />K This conditional use permit expires 6 months after approval if a building permit <br />has not been issued. (Section 1013.03) <br />PF3258 RCA (0925300) Page 3 of 4 <br />