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Date: g-27-00 <br />To: File C98-349 <br />City of <br />``� <br />1VIinnesota <br />NIENIO � T <br />� <br />Rp <br />From: Don Munson, Codes Coordinator <br />Subject: Chronology of Events at 1887 Rice St. <br />06- 19-98 <br />07-09-98 <br />07-3 1-98 <br />City observed building condition and initiated complaint. <br />Initial complaint letter sent to owner, Mr. KrengeL Identified "building in <br />disrepair, debris and junk on site, also grass/brush over 8" tall." <br />Site reinspection — no improvement. <br />08-04-98 Mr. Krengel called Mr. Munson. Mr. Krengel said intentions were to sell <br />property. Mr. Munson said the property required repair and was a priority of the <br />Community Development Department, also, that a detailed report of repairs <br />would be made and sent to Mr. Krengel. <br />08-14-98 <br />08-18-98 <br />09-25-98 <br />09-30-98 <br />] 0-21-98 <br />Site inspection by Code Enforcement Officer James Henneck to identify specific <br />building maintenance issues. <br />Site reinspection by Codes Coordinator pon Munson. Conditions same. <br />Site reinspection by Mr. Munson, no change or improvement other than grass <br />along Rice St. being cut. <br />Mr. Munson talked to Mr. Krengel to say the City would be pursuing the <br />property as a nuisance and wanted to warn Mr. Krengel so it wouldn't be a <br />surprise. Mr. Krengel said he was close to the sale and demo of the building. <br />Mr. Munson wrote out Court Citation #97-930330 (inoperable and rusty <br />equipment, vegetation over 8" tall, building deterioration, outside storage) and <br />mailed to Mr. Krengel, City Attorney and Ramsey County Court. <br />1 1-OS-98 Upon learning that the citation was not accepted by Ramsey County Court <br />because it was written from a 1997 (vs. 1998) citation book, a letter was sent to <br />Mr. Krengel explaining the error, containing a new citation (#98- 15758 1) and an <br />apology for the confusion. Copies of the citation were also sent to the City <br />Attorney and Ramsey County Court. <br />02-1 1-99 Mr. Krengel pled guilty in Ramsey County Court to the outside storage violation. <br />It is common practice to plead guilty to only one of the listed charges while all of <br />the violations still require correction. Imposition of sentence was stayed for <br />" year on the following conditions: (1) that Mr. Krengel demolish or clean <br />up the property within six months; (2) that he pay $150 in court costs; (3) that he <br />Q:\Permits\ComplaintsUvlemo_1887 Rice_092700.doc <br />