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ha�e no same or similar violations." Mr. Krengei was then placed on probation. <br />In court Mr. Krengei told the judge he was receiving $650 a month rent from the <br />neighboring property to allow storage (L Z Company). <br />04-26-99 Mr. Munson was informed by L Z Company representatives that the outside <br />storage on 1887 Rice St. was not theirs and that they had not been renting the site <br />since appro�mately 199 1. <br />04-28-99 City Attorney Caroline Bell Beckman sent Mr. Krengei a letter stating inspection <br />of the property indicated no improvement and that unless compliance was <br />achieved by 8-11-99, this would be considered a probation violation subject to <br />possible jail time and/or additional fine. <br />08-30-99 <br />11-19-99 <br />1 I-22-99 <br />12-17-99 <br />01-07-00 <br />Site reinspection by Mr. Henneck indicated " remains unchanged." <br />Site reinspection by Mr. Munson. <br />Mr. Munson informed Mr. Krengel's probation officer that no apparent <br />improvements to the site have been made. <br />Mr. Krengei pied not guilty to probation violation. Hearing was set for 1-7-00. <br />In court, Mr. Krengei admitted he had not brought the property into Code <br />compliance. <br />The judge allowed Mr. Krengel extra time to clean up the property. New hearing <br />set for 2-1 I-00. <br />02-10-00 Mr. Munson inspected the site. Approx. 95% of outside storage had been <br />removed; the building had not been improved and was still in significant <br />disrepair, grass/brush was undeterminable due to winter conditions. Findings <br />were relayed to City Attorney. <br />02-14-00 City Attorney Mitchell Converse advised Community Development Director <br />Dennis Welsch of the outcome in written correspondence. "After being advised <br />of the property's status, Judge Rosas advised Mr. Krengel that he expected his <br />efforts to bring the property into compliance to continue, and that the City was <br />free to pursue ail of its remedies if he did not follow through in bringing the <br />property into Code compliance. Judge Rosas then discharged Mr. Krengel from <br />probation without imposing any additional sentence." <br />02-22-00 City received complaint of 6 raccoons seen entering the 1887 Rice St. building. <br />Concerned about disease/rabies. <br />07-12-00 Reinspection of property by Mr. Munson and Mr. Henneck to determine if any <br />improvements in the condition of the property had been made in the last 5 <br />months as directed by the Court. Grass/brush exceeding 8" (did not appear to <br />ha�e been cut all year except along Rice St.), building in same deteriorated <br />condition, some outside storage still e�sted. <br />07-18-00 Mr. Munson sent Mr. Krengei a letter identifying continuing violations, steps <br />necessary to correct violations and stating that corrective actions be commenced <br />Q:\Permits\ComplaintsUviemo_1887 Rice_092700.doc <br />