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1�'� <br />�� <br /> us <br />City of Roseville • 2660 Civic Center Drive • Roseville MN 55113 <br />Phone: 651.792.7001 • Fax: 651.792.7030 <br />�4pplication for Returning Ci�izen /�dvisory Comrv�issioners <br />Plc�a_sc� cl�eck contmi,ssion reap��lyij�g for: <br />X Ethics Commission <br />❑ Iiu���an Rights Commission <br />O Park and Recreation Commission <br />❑ Planning Commission <br />❑ Police Civil Service Commission <br />❑ Public Works, Environmental and Trans�artation Commission <br />Name: LuAnne Pederson <br />Cih'/State/Zip:_ Rose��iile, M1V 55113 <br />�'��ar1c Etpci•ience: <br />Se��ior Attorney; Federal Rese�ve Bank of Mi�lneapol�s, 200]-prese�lt � <br />rciucation Eaperience: <br />William Mitcllell Colleg�e of La���. .iw�is Docior_ 2000 <br />College o��St. Benedict, Bacllelor o1�Arts, 1992 <br />C�i��ic anci Volunteer Acti��ities: <br />VIe�liber, E�IZics Co�n���ission; Ci15� ofRoseville, 2006-present <br />Member_ Civic Educatio» Coininitt�ee ofthe Mi��n.esota Stat�e Ba►- Asaociation, 2009-�resent <br />Ptease state your reasons for �i�anting to continue to ser-��e on the Commission: <br />(I3e �rs specrfrc as possible -�.rse addi�iorral sheel if i7ecessu�y) <br />I have been ar1 actively contributing meinbe�- who has faithfully attended almost all <br />co�nmission meet'ti�gs since my appointme��t. I sei�ved as Vice Chair and then Chair of <br />the com�nission fur one yeai� each. I am pr•oud of tl�e worE< the commission ]zas done <br />dt>>-ing n�}� term of service and 1•er»ain committed to ensul-ing that we ir�aintain the <br />curi�ent strong ethical cultL�re of ol�r City� �overnmen�. <br />